Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Why do men like so much of Europe, women from Russia?

Russian woman
For me the answer is quite obvious: no better than us just do not have anyone in the world!
This is a very good reason, but by taking the decision to meet and start a serious relationship with a Russian woman, a man from Europe is guided and important arguments.
Everyone knows that a woman from Russia - this is a beautiful, intelligent, gentle friend, a passionate lover and caring wife. We know how to be faithful in personal relationships, can rely on us as a reliable partner in all things, we are not afraid to take responsibility for their children and loved ones.

If you visit the European countries, you probably noticed: Russian woman strolling through Vienna or Paris, Frankfurt and Oslo, Milan and Berlin, always attracts the views of interested men. Russian type of appearance, supported by even a superficial facial and figure, is very different from the appearance of European women. For men of Europe all Russians - beauty queen.
Successful process of the struggle for women's rights and freedoms, which carried away with European women, has led to the loss of the sense of beauty. Look good, look after themselves, emphasizing femininity wear clothing - it's long been concerns of a second or third plan. All eyes on career and personal comfort, and men ... men, they have enough for everyone. Sometimes I start to think that somewhere in the course of European history gene female beauty was simply destroyed, perhaps in the "dark ages", when the Inquisition announced every attractive girl and a woman accomplice devil and a witch, and hard exterminated by fire, water or rope.
I will not insist on his hypothesis, but the fact remains that groomed, have good looks and charm of European women today can be counted on one hand.
But the beauty that nature has awarded Russian women - is just one reason why Europeans are dreaming to get his wife out of Russia.
Now living in Europe more and more women who came to marry a foreigner and leave for Germany, Italy, France, Austria, Spain and so on. Every man-European has relatives, co-workers, friends, and friends. And they see the changes taking place with the man after marriage, notice that cousin, colleague, friend became more confident, better dressed, his eyes were shiny. Of course, unmarried Europeans from the environment of the lucky start to find out: And what's so special about his Russian wife, why you can become a different person? Incidentally, this long-standing concern for men around the world.
Marriage between the German and Italian, French and Spanish, Austrian and French in Europe are nothing new. State open to each other, and mixed unions here is quite common.
But Russia - preserve beauty, long time former Terra Incognita, unknown land for the world. Huge flower garden, only recently opened its borders. And fascinated by this almost untouched flowerbed world reacts to Russian ladies, representing the beauty and family values. Yet so foreign men are so interested in our women, looking for dating and relationships, ready to create a family.
We also have a great interest: it has opened before us a huge market of potential suitors and husbands. And rapprochement will not stop, if women and men have the same goals and desires, they will fall in love, to build relationships and marriage, regardless of place of birth and residence.
Women from Russia seeking to meet a reliable, which took place in the life of a faithful man who is willing and able to take responsibility for the welfare of the family, his wife and children.
Man of Europe wants the same thing - a strong family, loyalty, tenderness and affection in the relationship.
Dear Ladies, Your principles are identical to those that I have just described? Then remove all the "why" and "why", and remember that the world is large and vast, and there are millions of men, worthy of the Fair Lady - that is you!
We need only decide to make a counter-move!

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