Monday, June 11, 2012

Tall russian women

The fact  that he continued to strongly desire russian women, while, as between them there was nothing in common, they never talked about what does not - could not understand her, and in spite of herself she hated him a simple question. His "you come into the house," sounded as if he was referring to a simple woman, not her. "Right now, a quarter of the eighth - he said. - You will be ready in time." - He changed his former tone, as if feeling its remoteness. They turned and came to a clearing, leading directly to the gate of the park, and he turned out the light. "There will be light," - russian women said, gently taking her hand. The going was hard, the ground beneath their feet were invisible, but he was confident - he was accustomed to the darkness. At the gate he gave her his electric torch. - "The park has a light, but take it just in case, so as not to stray from the road," - russian women said. He suddenly drew her to him and stroked her body under her dress, touching her wet warmth of her from the rain, cold hands. "I agreed b die for touching a woman like you - he said hoarsely. - If you stayed still for a minute. "She felt again the sudden force of his desire. "No, I have to run" - she said. "Yes," - he said, changing and letting go of it. She went on, but immediately returned to him, saying: "Kiss me. "He bent down and kissed her in the eye. She gave him her mouth and he gently kissed him, but immediately drew back. He did not like kissing her mouth. "I will come tomorrow - she said, freeing himself, - if I can," - she added. "Yes, and not so late," - he said from the darkness. She could not discern it. "Good night," - she said. "Good night, my lady" - she heard his voice. She stopped and looked up into the night dampness. She was able to discern only the blackening form. "Why do you say so?" - She asked. 'Nothing, - he answered. - Good night, run. "She plunged into the dark, damp night. The side door was from Perth, and she slipped upstairs to her room unnoticed. When she closed the door behind him - the gong sounded for dinner, but it still re-sewing, first to his usual bath. - "Tomorrow I will not miss it - she said to herself, - it is too inconvenient. "But the next day she went into the woods. Instead, she went with Clifford in russian women.

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