Monday, June 11, 2012

Video russian girls

Russian women  did not know what to say. "Why do they learn?" - She said. "People always know everything," - he said hopelessly. Her lips quivered. "Well, I can not do anything?" - She murmured. "No, - he said - you can do - not coming here any more - if you want?" - Russian women added, lowering his voice. "But I do not want" - she whispered. He looked at the woods and stopped. "But what will happen when they find out - he asked finally. - In think about it! Think how low you fall - one of the servants of your husband! "She looked at him and he turned his head away. "Does this mean - haltingly, she murmured, - does that mean that you do not want me?" "Think! - He said. - Think about what will happen when people find out - Sir Clifford and all - will tell." "Well, I'll go then." "Where?" "Where you want! I have my own money. Mother left me twenty thousand pounds - I know that Clifford could not take them with me. I can leave." "But if you will not be able to leave?" "Oh, I do not care what happens to me!" "You think so. But you will not care. You have to keep you, all this horror Do not forget you - ladies are in connection with the forester. It's not as if I were a gentleman. You will not be all well, do not be! ""I would not care. What am I my title, I hate him. I feel that people laugh when they call me - my lady. Laugh, laugh. Even you laugh!" "I do!" - The first time he looked straight at her, straight into her eyes. "I'm not laughing at you" - he said. He looked into her eyes and she saw his own eyes were dark, were quite dark. "Do not you care what you run the risk - russian women asked hoarsely. - Let you would not care if it's too late! "His voice could be heard pleading with caution. "I have nothing to lose - she said excitedly, - if you knew what it was, you would understand that I will be glad if you lose it. But maybe you are afraid for yourself?" "Yes, - he said abruptly. - I'm afraid I'm afraid. I'm afraid of all things."

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