Monday, June 11, 2012

Why russian women

She glanced at him. Whether he felt anything? "Spring affects me strangely. I'm going to relax myself," - she said. "As you wish. Maybe you really ill?" "No, just a little tired - it's spring. Do you want I will send to you MRS. Bolton?" "No, I prefer to listen to the radio. "His voice sounded fun. She went upstairs to his bedroom. She heard the loudspeaker yelled something at the bottom. Then she put on a raincoat and a slipped out of the house through the porch russian women. Drizzle covered the world of the mysterious, quiet, warm cover. On the move warmed Connie - she quickly walked through the park. The forest was silent, mysterious and quiet in the evening rain, full of secrets and half-open buds russian women. At dusk, naked and glistening dark trees, as if naked, - and the green grass under them, as it sang the praises of their greenness. In the meadow is still no one there. Chickens nearly all were under the wings russian women, only one or two boldly ran under the shed. So! Its still not there. He did not come as if on purpose, but maybe something happened to him. It is better to enter the hut and see. She opened the door with his key. Everything was in order, a blanket lying on the chest, the straw was neatly folded in the corner - a new bundle of straw. On the wall hung a small lamp. Table and chair were set in place. She sat on a bench in the doorway. A thin rain was falling hard and soft, the wind was not audible. Not a sound. The trees were as lively, graceful, silent and powerful. How alive everything was! Night came. She had to leave. He deliberately avoided it! And suddenly he seemed in a clearing in a cloak, shining from the rain. He quickly glanced at the hut, bowed, and walked to the cage. There he carefully examined, everything was in order, carefully shut the hens and chickens, and finally slowly approached her. She was still sitting on the bench. He stood before her under a canopy. "So, you've come," - he said in plain tongue. "Yes, - she said, looking at him. - As you later!" "Yes," - he replied, looking at the forest. She slowly stood up, pushing the bench. "You want to enter?" - She asked. He looked at her piercingly. "And people will not think of anything that you come here every night?" "Why - she asked, getting lost. - I said I would come. No one knows." "They will soon find out - he said - and what then?"

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