Monday, June 11, 2012


Today,  Clifford had to see his godfather - Leslie Winter, who lived not far from russian women. Leslie Winter was an elderly gentleman, very rich, one of russian women who profited so well at the time of King Edward. King Edward himself has repeatedly visited and hunted in the estate of Winter - Shipley Hall. The old house was beautiful and luxuriously furnished, Winter was a bachelor and very proud of his manner of living - but the estate was precipitated ugly coal mines. Leslie Winter was attached to Clifford, but not fed him great respect because of the pictures in magazines and literary activities. The old man was a man of King Edward's School, who heartily despised scribbler. According to Connie Winter-through was always exceedingly gallant - he found her very attractive, modest girl, believing that it is spent on useless Clifford, and regretted that she could not give birth to an heir for the Rugby. He himself had no heir. Connie thought about what he would say, if I learned that she was on- russian women in connection with a forester Clifford, and that the forester said to her, "you come to my house." Of course, the Winter would be despised and russian womenher - he even hated every attempt to approach or move on the part of the working class. He had nothing to mind if her lover was a man of society. - Winter called her "dear child" and gave her a lovely miniature ladies of the eighteenth century. But Connie herself was russian women its connection with the forester. And after all, mr. Winter, who was truly a gentleman and a man of high society - treated her as a person worthy of respect, he did not mix it in a heap with all the other females. She did not go into the woods or on the next day or even the next day. She did not go there because they felt, or imagined that he felt that the man is waiting and willing it. But on the fourth day she was terribly restless and did not find a place. But still refused to go into the woods and again reveal their hips to this man. She went over in my mind all sorts of ways out of this situation: a trip to Sheffield to visit, somewhere, but it was disgusting to even think about these things. In the end, she decided to go for a walk, but not in the woods, but in the opposite direction, she will go to the Markha through a small iron gate at the other end of the park. He was a quiet gray day - spring and almost warm. She was absent-mindedly immersed in the unconscious mind.

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