Thursday, July 19, 2012

What not to look out for when getting acquainted with Russian girl?

It often happens that to realize that this is just the fear is enough, because operate on the principle: do what you're afraid and you will have happiness. Dismantle the concrete case and to understand where the fear came, and the installation of the brain to develop in order to solve this problem with a Russian girl.
When meeting a person holds down a stupor and convincing myself just to pass, as it were, without getting involved in the conflict, ie, just afraid because No conflict there. So simple any longer. We must understand that the fear of an imaginary, there is nothing dangerous when sending (reject) - it happily, and with time will come easily. Why do over time? Therefore, it is necessary to develop, through practice and muscle memory for the foot, which themselves will lead to a beloved, a Russian girl.

It's certainly not the only way to deal with the internal dialogues and fears of their cause, all are listed, but they do not change people globally, but at the time:
There are several ways of avoiding internal dialogue:

A. Beliefs. They may be different as green (adequate), and no, that is, configured to receive immediate results. For example, I'm a nice guy and all the Russian girls have to give me. And in fact, no one owes nothing! Eco-friendly - I have today (always) look good, and Russian girls like me (if one refuses to communicate, such beliefs staggers), etc. In fact, belief - is a separate issue and will return to it.
Two. The suppression of the dialogues:
A. Man can not think, but think it is possible and change the subject. Accordingly, it is possible, until you go to the girl to think about anything but not about what to say.
Two. Rule 3 seconds. Say to yourself, one, two, three, and walked, scoring at all.
Three. It is known that a man can not keep in sight of a large number of objects, you need to cover as much as possible so that all the mental resources left for it.
Three. At the same time provide a sense of the different extremities, such as the right arm and left leg, or vice versa, left - right, or separate fingers. I do not advise to dwell on the past practices, they are just for the sake of completeness.

It would seem, think of fear and terror, but that all current research in this area is it that people are able to risk losing up to 50% of their intellectual abilities. In addition, there is a tension, which prevents the look confident, and confident behavior - is the most successful.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Russian women are better than others

Ladies and gentlemen, we love, whether you agree with the conventional wisdom that Russian women are better than others?

Englishwoman recognized as the most ugly women in Europe

Men from all over America gathered to hold a very important study. They set out to find out what parts of the world live very ugly woman, and in second place was the United Kingdom.

The American magazine FHM conducted a study whose purpose was to determine in which country live the most horrible woman. To do this, readers asked to send the editors their views in writing, and then published the results. Of course, the Americans would not be worthy sons of their homeland, if not raised in the first place women in Afghanistan. Why, because the enemy can not be beautiful! The more so that the hijab or face or figure of a woman can not see - that Americans are gullible and have decided that, you see, it hurts Afghan terrible, just a cloth hiding. And the fact that a resident of this country have repeatedly praised by the ancient poets, and as a special time just for the beauty, the men of America, of course, never occurred. In second place were put Englishwoman, that, in general, quite rightly, for the bright appearance, as well as the appeal, the inmates of Albion never really differed. After Englishwomen followed by Germans - in Germany, a beautiful (ofitsialno!) is any woman that does not have any obvious physical defects (such as: one leg, one arm, congenital strabismus, and so on). But as it turned out, the view of Americans and Germans on beauty diverged radically. Fourth place rightfully belongs to the very women living in the U.S., followed by China, Russia, Albania, Turkey, France, and closes the top list of India.

It is noteworthy that in the ranking of the most beautiful American women in the world, according to the Americans occupy most that is the first place. Because like all as a beautiful, clever, and just "thing to not spoil." In fifth place in the degree of unearthly beauty went again, the notorious British women, which are the same respondents have put in second place for ugliness. These are the mysterious man living in the U.S. ...