Tuesday, September 11, 2012

How to seduce a girl on the dance floor?

The best option for seduction Russian girl - a slow dance.
Suppose you managed to meet a girl in a nightclub. Nice talking to her at the bar, you heard that began a slow dance, immediately lead to the beauty of the dance floor.
Success in a slow dance depends on confidence, although the sensitivity and politeness are no less important. Before you take another step to seduction Russian girl in the dance, you must be absolutely certain that the Russian woman ready for it, and not take any sexual activity as long as the woman begins to feel the excitement and just go crazy with anticipation of sexual intimacy . Hand stroking her back, be careful and watch for her reaction, not missing any opportunity. If she shows no reaction, as well as go on a leisurely, snuggling close to her, moving inch by inch on its territory, and at the same time did not make it possible to respond to your actions. Maybe she's just shy, and it takes a little heat. If anything it does not work, as soon as the slow dance, thank her for the dance and offer a glimpse into a quiet corner where you can easily talk to. Not for a moment to let her hands!
If it is time to dance starts rubbing your shoulders, chest and neck, further push to her to your body as much as possible in contact with her. She wags her hips and move, do the same in return and start kissing her neck. Continue to shower her with kisses in the direction of the ear lobe and then kiss, cheeks, lips. Now everything is going properly, you're half way to ensure that the drag Russian girl in bed. Chances are, if she reacts to your one-touch it, it kinestetik (personality type). In this case, forget the conversation. You must either stay with her on the dance floor, slowly and gently kissing her warming up, turning and wiggling her hips, or, if it starts to play fast music, keep it in a nook where you're more openly and boldly prefer petting.
Clearly, it's time you think, and not caused by a taxi.

Monday, August 6, 2012

How to appeal to the Russian girl. Many women simply and easily.

Now, I think you're a little surprised, but the biggest problem in the male
the modern world is a Russian woman. This problem prevents you from sleeping
quietly, thinking about business, about your goals and desires. Feel safe and

Naturally, a woman born to give a man pleasure, and
respectively, on the contrary. Moreover, some few of us the way it is, but for
majority, a Russian woman remains a problem and not even she herself, as
relation to it in terms of "bottom." This position is easy to imagine and describe
visually, if we ask artists to paint the process of seduction. 9 out of 10
portray the following picture: a Russian woman with a haughty look and there, in the begging position,
kneeling, with outstretched colors - man .... He asks, she chooses.

Any one of us wants to be successful, rich, popular, including among Russian
Women. Even more to say - to be popular among women is a basic need
men! Money, fame, success, independence, popularity, relevance and
respect - it all means nothing if you do not have near the Russian women, or if you have
problems with sex.

Any man, whoever he was, needs a woman, regardless of whether he has the art of seduction or not.

Therein lies the biggest problem of the stronger sex - tested in the
woman. Neediness creates dependency relationship is the willingness to make
Anything, just to find what you want.

Sounds good - man will stop at nothing to achieve a goal, but in the case of
women, the dependence is shown as follows: a man succeeds in winning,
deserve care, asks, asks, invests resources. All this - the position

Even the most powerful and representative status male half of humanity, with
a pair of female legs can easily lose his head and turns into an obedient and submissive
boy, ready to completely forget about their own comfort, to please, to make
seems like ...

If you think that it should be and that's okay - you can not read any further.

And if you still reading this, I think you'll recognize yourself in the text.

Most men, for approval of a woman willing to make any concessions to be
literally her slave. We are ready to fulfill all the desires and whims.

You feel the fear and discomfort, chilling the whole body before you go
liked the girl. Or, in general, stand and look her in the next, and not daring.

You communicate with the women, who themselves have chosen and given a signal
the action. And those who really like - they are out of reach. We have to take
that is very hands on.

In the process of communicating with her you are afraid of how not to do and not say anything

You pay for women, which is even and the sex was not, in restaurants, cinema,
giving expensive gifts, naively believing that this is how you seduce her.

Instead of meeting on the street - dating and absurd smiles.

Instead of sex and live communication - ananizm the computer.

Russian girls dictate your own rules and you obey them.

You meet only in the clubs, companies, friends, or when you drink.

Do you think that a very beautiful girl is not for you, but for someone else.

On her page on a dating site, you are giving it virtual gifts, and the form of hearts
roses, accompanied by the absurd compliments and "This certainly will lead you
purpose)). "

Thursday, July 19, 2012

What not to look out for when getting acquainted with Russian girl?

It often happens that to realize that this is just the fear is enough, because operate on the principle: do what you're afraid and you will have happiness. Dismantle the concrete case and to understand where the fear came, and the installation of the brain to develop in order to solve this problem with a Russian girl.
When meeting a person holds down a stupor and convincing myself just to pass, as it were, without getting involved in the conflict, ie, just afraid because No conflict there. So simple any longer. We must understand that the fear of an imaginary, there is nothing dangerous when sending (reject) - it happily, and with time will come easily. Why do over time? Therefore, it is necessary to develop, through practice and muscle memory for the foot, which themselves will lead to a beloved, a Russian girl.

It's certainly not the only way to deal with the internal dialogues and fears of their cause, all are listed, but they do not change people globally, but at the time:
There are several ways of avoiding internal dialogue:

A. Beliefs. They may be different as green (adequate), and no, that is, configured to receive immediate results. For example, I'm a nice guy and all the Russian girls have to give me. And in fact, no one owes nothing! Eco-friendly - I have today (always) look good, and Russian girls like me (if one refuses to communicate, such beliefs staggers), etc. In fact, belief - is a separate issue and will return to it.
Two. The suppression of the dialogues:
A. Man can not think, but think it is possible and change the subject. Accordingly, it is possible, until you go to the girl to think about anything but not about what to say.
Two. Rule 3 seconds. Say to yourself, one, two, three, and walked, scoring at all.
Three. It is known that a man can not keep in sight of a large number of objects, you need to cover as much as possible so that all the mental resources left for it.
Three. At the same time provide a sense of the different extremities, such as the right arm and left leg, or vice versa, left - right, or separate fingers. I do not advise to dwell on the past practices, they are just for the sake of completeness.

It would seem, think of fear and terror, but that all current research in this area is it that people are able to risk losing up to 50% of their intellectual abilities. In addition, there is a tension, which prevents the look confident, and confident behavior - is the most successful.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Russian women are better than others

Ladies and gentlemen, we love, whether you agree with the conventional wisdom that Russian women are better than others?

Englishwoman recognized as the most ugly women in Europe

Men from all over America gathered to hold a very important study. They set out to find out what parts of the world live very ugly woman, and in second place was the United Kingdom.

The American magazine FHM conducted a study whose purpose was to determine in which country live the most horrible woman. To do this, readers asked to send the editors their views in writing, and then published the results. Of course, the Americans would not be worthy sons of their homeland, if not raised in the first place women in Afghanistan. Why, because the enemy can not be beautiful! The more so that the hijab or face or figure of a woman can not see - that Americans are gullible and have decided that, you see, it hurts Afghan terrible, just a cloth hiding. And the fact that a resident of this country have repeatedly praised by the ancient poets, and as a special time just for the beauty, the men of America, of course, never occurred. In second place were put Englishwoman, that, in general, quite rightly, for the bright appearance, as well as the appeal, the inmates of Albion never really differed. After Englishwomen followed by Germans - in Germany, a beautiful (ofitsialno!) is any woman that does not have any obvious physical defects (such as: one leg, one arm, congenital strabismus, and so on). But as it turned out, the view of Americans and Germans on beauty diverged radically. Fourth place rightfully belongs to the very women living in the U.S., followed by China, Russia, Albania, Turkey, France, and closes the top list of India.

It is noteworthy that in the ranking of the most beautiful American women in the world, according to the Americans occupy most that is the first place. Because like all as a beautiful, clever, and just "thing to not spoil." In fifth place in the degree of unearthly beauty went again, the notorious British women, which are the same respondents have put in second place for ugliness. These are the mysterious man living in the U.S. ...

Monday, June 11, 2012

Pretty russian women

It seemed  that russian women had nothing more to say to her. Nothing more to say. Connie went slowly home, realizing the depth of the new things that were born in it. It suddenly came to life another woman who is soft and warm burning in its guts, in her womb, and that another woman loved him. Russian women loved him, that she gave way to move your knees. She is now alive in her womb, and inwards, and the bases were defensive - adoring him - as the most naive woman. - "It's like a child - she said to herself. - I feel like the child in me." And so it was, as if her womb, which will always remain private - revealed now filled with new life, almost a burden, but a sweet burden. "If I had a baby! - She thought. - If I could have it in me like a baby!" And its members are faint at the thought, and she saw a huge difference: to have a baby for herself, or have a child by a person who loves all guts, all the womb. The first seemed quite ordinary, but to have a child of the person to whom all adored and dragged inside - it made her feel completely different than before, as though she was plunged deep, deep in the center of the feminine, in the beginning of all things .And new for it was not passion, but it is reverent adoration. She knew that she was always afraid of him, for admiration made her helpless, she was still afraid, afraid that if you love it too - then lose yourself, its me, but she did not want to be like a slave-savage. She did not want to be a slave. She feared her adoration, but could not and would not immediately deal with it. She knew she could beat him. It was a hell of a strong will that could crush her deep admiration for him. She could do it - even now - or so she thought. And then it could lead to his passion of their own volition. Oh, yes! be passionate, as Bacchante! Race through the forest as a russian women, a bright and appealing to the phallus, which had no personality, but it was just a servant of God, for a woman! And let it not interfere with people. It could be just a servant of the church, the bearer and keeper of the phallus, woman owned. And in the wake of a new tide - the old old, fierce passion burned in it, and the man fell to a contemptible object - was only the bearer of the phallus - and after its function has been performed, it can be broken into pieces. She felt in her body by Bacchantes - radiant and triumphant woman, awakening the male. But her heart was sad.

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She did not notice the surroundings, and the loud barking of dogs at russian women frightened her. The field of the farm adjoining the park Rugby. Flint, farm tenants, neighbors were russian women, but Connie has long had not seen them.
"Bell," - she said a large white fox-terrier, - Bell, have you forgotten me? Do not you recognize me? "- She was afraid of dogs, and Bell stood motionless, and growled at her - she wanted to go to the house and could not. There MRS. Flint. She was a young woman the same age as Connie, and when something taught in school. but Connie suspected that the IFA. Flint was a sly and false woman.
"As this is Lady Chatterley! Do!" - And the eyes of the IFA. Flint, a glistening, and she blushed like a girl. "Bell, Bell, how dare you barking at Lady Chatterley! Shut up!" - She rushed forward and struck the dog a white towel, which was holding in his hands - and then ran over to Connie.
"Bell knew me before," - said Connie, shaking hands.
"Of course, he knows you, my lady! He just wants to show off! - Said the IFA. Flint, looked at Connie's in some disarray - but he did not see you for a long time. I hope you feel better?"
"Yes, thank you, I am healthy."
"We have not seen you all winter. Come and look at the baby."
"Well, - Connie hesitated, - Just a minute."
Mpc Flint flew headlong forward tidy room, and Connie walked slowly behind her, pausing in the dark kitchen where the fire was boiling the kettle. Russian women returned to her.
"I hope you will excuse me," - she said.
"Come here."
They entered the parlor, where the rag rug sat a child and the table was laid for tea. A young servant-girl backed out of the room, the first self-consciously awkward.
Year-old baby was a brave little creature, with red hair like her father, and pale blue eyes. It was a little girl, and very stubborn girl. She sat in the cushions and was surrounded by dolls and other toys with the modern excess.
"Oh, what a darling she! - Said Connie. - And as she grew up! Big Girl!"
When the baby was born, Connie gave her a shawl, and for Christmas - celluloid ducks.
"Look, Josephine, who is come to thee, Who is this, Josephine?! Lady Chatterley, you know Lady Chatterley, huh?"
The small creature looked at Connie bravely. The fact that she was a lady - it was still quite indifferent to it.


Today,  Clifford had to see his godfather - Leslie Winter, who lived not far from russian women. Leslie Winter was an elderly gentleman, very rich, one of russian women who profited so well at the time of King Edward. King Edward himself has repeatedly visited and hunted in the estate of Winter - Shipley Hall. The old house was beautiful and luxuriously furnished, Winter was a bachelor and very proud of his manner of living - but the estate was precipitated ugly coal mines. Leslie Winter was attached to Clifford, but not fed him great respect because of the pictures in magazines and literary activities. The old man was a man of King Edward's School, who heartily despised scribbler. According to Connie Winter-through was always exceedingly gallant - he found her very attractive, modest girl, believing that it is spent on useless Clifford, and regretted that she could not give birth to an heir for the Rugby. He himself had no heir. Connie thought about what he would say, if I learned that she was on- russian women in connection with a forester Clifford, and that the forester said to her, "you come to my house." Of course, the Winter would be despised and russian womenher - he even hated every attempt to approach or move on the part of the working class. He had nothing to mind if her lover was a man of society. - Winter called her "dear child" and gave her a lovely miniature ladies of the eighteenth century. But Connie herself was russian women its connection with the forester. And after all, mr. Winter, who was truly a gentleman and a man of high society - treated her as a person worthy of respect, he did not mix it in a heap with all the other females. She did not go into the woods or on the next day or even the next day. She did not go there because they felt, or imagined that he felt that the man is waiting and willing it. But on the fourth day she was terribly restless and did not find a place. But still refused to go into the woods and again reveal their hips to this man. She went over in my mind all sorts of ways out of this situation: a trip to Sheffield to visit, somewhere, but it was disgusting to even think about these things. In the end, she decided to go for a walk, but not in the woods, but in the opposite direction, she will go to the Markha through a small iron gate at the other end of the park. He was a quiet gray day - spring and almost warm. She was absent-mindedly immersed in the unconscious mind.

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The fact  that he continued to strongly desire russian women, while, as between them there was nothing in common, they never talked about what does not - could not understand her, and in spite of herself she hated him a simple question. His "you come into the house," sounded as if he was referring to a simple woman, not her. "Right now, a quarter of the eighth - he said. - You will be ready in time." - He changed his former tone, as if feeling its remoteness. They turned and came to a clearing, leading directly to the gate of the park, and he turned out the light. "There will be light," - russian women said, gently taking her hand. The going was hard, the ground beneath their feet were invisible, but he was confident - he was accustomed to the darkness. At the gate he gave her his electric torch. - "The park has a light, but take it just in case, so as not to stray from the road," - russian women said. He suddenly drew her to him and stroked her body under her dress, touching her wet warmth of her from the rain, cold hands. "I agreed b die for touching a woman like you - he said hoarsely. - If you stayed still for a minute. "She felt again the sudden force of his desire. "No, I have to run" - she said. "Yes," - he said, changing and letting go of it. She went on, but immediately returned to him, saying: "Kiss me. "He bent down and kissed her in the eye. She gave him her mouth and he gently kissed him, but immediately drew back. He did not like kissing her mouth. "I will come tomorrow - she said, freeing himself, - if I can," - she added. "Yes, and not so late," - he said from the darkness. She could not discern it. "Good night," - she said. "Good night, my lady" - she heard his voice. She stopped and looked up into the night dampness. She was able to discern only the blackening form. "Why do you say so?" - She asked. 'Nothing, - he answered. - Good night, run. "She plunged into the dark, damp night. The side door was from Perth, and she slipped upstairs to her room unnoticed. When she closed the door behind him - the gong sounded for dinner, but it still re-sewing, first to his usual bath. - "Tomorrow I will not miss it - she said to herself, - it is too inconvenient. "But the next day she went into the woods. Instead, she went with Clifford in russian women.

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These strikes the buttocks - of course it was funny! If you were a woman and did not take part in this - of course, these attacks male buttocks were incredibly funny. Of course, the man was incredibly funny in this position, and in this act! Still, she lay quietly, not moving away. Even when he had finished, she did not want to grab for their own satisfaction, as it had done with Michaelis; she lay quietly, and tears fell slowly from her eyes. He, too, ceased. And firmly pressed her to him, trying to warm her poor naked legs with his feet. Russian women was lying on her so close to such a gullible warmth. "Do not you cold?" - He asked gently and quietly, as if she was so close, so close. While she was away - there was no - in the distance. "No. But I have to go" - she said softly. Russian women sighed and hugged her, then again fell silent. He has not guessed her tears. He thought she was with him - together. "I have to go" - russian women repeated. He got up, went down on his knees before her, kissed her thigh and pulled her dress over her legs, then he began buttoning his clothes without thinking, without even turning away in the dim light from the lamp. "You have to ever come into the hut," - he said, looking at her warm, confident, joyful eyes. But she lay still, staring at him and thought: "Do not! Do not!" She hated him even slightly. He put on his jacket and looked for his hat, which fell from a nail, then threw his gun on his shoulder. "Then let's go!" - He said, looking at her so quiet, warm eyes. She slowly got up. She did not want to leave. But did not want to stay! He helped her put it on a thin raincoat and looked at it if all is in order. Then he opened the door. It was already dark. Faithful dog rose from the porch and enjoy looking at his master. The rain was drizzling gray in the dark. "I'll take a lantern, - he said. - We have no one to meet. "He went ahead of her on the narrow path, swinging his lantern close to the ground, illuminating the wet grass, black snake root dormant trees and flowers. Everything else was dark and dim gray. "You come into the house one day, right?" - He said.

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"What kind of - of things?" - She asked. He nodded, as if pointing to the outside world. "Every stuff. People. There are so many. "Then he bent down and suddenly kissed her sad face. "No, I do not care - he said - let us be together and forget everything else. But if you will regret it!" "Do not leave me" - she pleaded. He touched his fingers to her cheek and kissed her again. "Let me in time - he said softly, - and remove your coat. "He hung up his gun, took off his wet coat and reached for a blanket. "I brought another blanket - he said - now we can cover them." "I can not stay long, - russian women said. - Dinner at half past seven. "He looked at her. - "Well," - russian women said. He closed the door and lit the lamp. Someday we will have a lot of time "- he said. He carefully spread a blanket and turned the second, to put it under his head. Then he sat down on a bench and pulled her to him, crepe-to-tightly holding her with one hand and looking for another body. She heard his deep sigh, when he found her. Under the thin skirt she was naked. "Ah, what it means to touch you!" - He said, his fingers caressing the soft warm skin of her waist and hips. He lowered his face and rubbed it on her belly and hips. And she wondered what pleasure it was for him. She did not understand what beauty he found in it a touch to her lively, intimate body. Because to feel the beauty of this can only passion. She felt his cheeks, sliding on her stomach, thighs and buttocks, his mustache and his soft, thick hair - and her knees began to tremble. Far away in the depths of herself she felt a new excitement, a sense of rising yet tested nudity. She almost wished that he fondled her so. He mastered it. And she waited, waited ...And when he entered her, straining, with relief and russian women, in which he attains unadulterated peace - she's still waiting. She felt as if a little absent. And she knew that this was to blame herself. She wanted to be on the sidelines. Perhaps it was doomed to this forever.

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Russian women  did not know what to say. "Why do they learn?" - She said. "People always know everything," - he said hopelessly. Her lips quivered. "Well, I can not do anything?" - She murmured. "No, - he said - you can do - not coming here any more - if you want?" - Russian women added, lowering his voice. "But I do not want" - she whispered. He looked at the woods and stopped. "But what will happen when they find out - he asked finally. - In think about it! Think how low you fall - one of the servants of your husband! "She looked at him and he turned his head away. "Does this mean - haltingly, she murmured, - does that mean that you do not want me?" "Think! - He said. - Think about what will happen when people find out - Sir Clifford and all - will tell." "Well, I'll go then." "Where?" "Where you want! I have my own money. Mother left me twenty thousand pounds - I know that Clifford could not take them with me. I can leave." "But if you will not be able to leave?" "Oh, I do not care what happens to me!" "You think so. But you will not care. You have to keep you, all this horror Do not forget you - ladies are in connection with the forester. It's not as if I were a gentleman. You will not be all well, do not be! ""I would not care. What am I my title, I hate him. I feel that people laugh when they call me - my lady. Laugh, laugh. Even you laugh!" "I do!" - The first time he looked straight at her, straight into her eyes. "I'm not laughing at you" - he said. He looked into her eyes and she saw his own eyes were dark, were quite dark. "Do not you care what you run the risk - russian women asked hoarsely. - Let you would not care if it's too late! "His voice could be heard pleading with caution. "I have nothing to lose - she said excitedly, - if you knew what it was, you would understand that I will be glad if you lose it. But maybe you are afraid for yourself?" "Yes, - he said abruptly. - I'm afraid I'm afraid. I'm afraid of all things."

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She glanced at him. Whether he felt anything? "Spring affects me strangely. I'm going to relax myself," - she said. "As you wish. Maybe you really ill?" "No, just a little tired - it's spring. Do you want I will send to you MRS. Bolton?" "No, I prefer to listen to the radio. "His voice sounded fun. She went upstairs to his bedroom. She heard the loudspeaker yelled something at the bottom. Then she put on a raincoat and a slipped out of the house through the porch russian women. Drizzle covered the world of the mysterious, quiet, warm cover. On the move warmed Connie - she quickly walked through the park. The forest was silent, mysterious and quiet in the evening rain, full of secrets and half-open buds russian women. At dusk, naked and glistening dark trees, as if naked, - and the green grass under them, as it sang the praises of their greenness. In the meadow is still no one there. Chickens nearly all were under the wings russian women, only one or two boldly ran under the shed. So! Its still not there. He did not come as if on purpose, but maybe something happened to him. It is better to enter the hut and see. She opened the door with his key. Everything was in order, a blanket lying on the chest, the straw was neatly folded in the corner - a new bundle of straw. On the wall hung a small lamp. Table and chair were set in place. She sat on a bench in the doorway. A thin rain was falling hard and soft, the wind was not audible. Not a sound. The trees were as lively, graceful, silent and powerful. How alive everything was! Night came. She had to leave. He deliberately avoided it! And suddenly he seemed in a clearing in a cloak, shining from the rain. He quickly glanced at the hut, bowed, and walked to the cage. There he carefully examined, everything was in order, carefully shut the hens and chickens, and finally slowly approached her. She was still sitting on the bench. He stood before her under a canopy. "So, you've come," - he said in plain tongue. "Yes, - she said, looking at him. - As you later!" "Yes," - he replied, looking at the forest. She slowly stood up, pushing the bench. "You want to enter?" - She asked. He looked at her piercingly. "And people will not think of anything that you come here every night?" "Why - she asked, getting lost. - I said I would come. No one knows." "They will soon find out - he said - and what then?"