Saturday, May 7, 2016

Four Secrets to a Successful Western-Ukrainian Relationship

Dear friends,

Building a strong relationship takes lots of love and patience, even if both people are from the same culture. If you are both from different cultures, you will need to understand each other’s background in order to get along. I believe many people become frustrated and end the relationship because they feel that the cultural barrier is too high to overcome. This simply is not true, so I have put together some tips to make your cross-cultural experience easier and more rewarding.

Secret #1: Learn about the country, culture, mentality and traditions of your partner

First of all, I believe that you need to educate yourself about your partner’s country. You can search online and find many articles about Ukrainian history and culture. Depending on where you live, there may be a Ukrainian church or community center nearby that you can visit. I believe that many Ukrainian communities hold festivals during certain times of the year, and this is a great chance for you to experience the food and culture firsthand.

Secret #2: Learn the language of your foreign wife in order to understand her thoughts and soul

I feel that you also need to realize that there will be a language barrier to overcome. Many Ukrainians speak English, but they may not be completely fluent. I personally think it would be immensely helpful for westerners to learn some Ukrainian or Russian (every Ukrainian woman can speak and understand Russian).

You can find free programs online that will help you learn the Ukrainian and Russian language and alphabet, and this may help to bridge the communication gap.

Learn Russian online: (for free) (for free)

Learn Ukrainian online: (a free online course for beginners)
Secret #3: Accept the culture of your partner

You also need to be aware of what is considered socially acceptable between your two cultures. For example, Ukrainians are typically not very demonstrative in public, and they usually reserve displays of affection for inside the home. I know that Ukrainians may seem reserved at first, but it is part of their nature to slowly ease into any relationship.

So, don’t be offended if your attempts at being affectionate are not reciprocated right away. I feel that both people need to see themselves as individuals and place their own set of personal values higher than those of their respective cultures. This is a big step in breaking down cultural barriers.

Secret # 4: Respect, understanding and love

I personally believe that one of the most important factors in any relationship is respect for each other. When you respect your partner as an individual, you will be able to appreciate and embrace your cultural differences.

Of course, both of you will also need to have a lot of patience with one another as you work through your differences together. I believe that if you follow these suggestions and truly attempt to understand each other, you will be able to create a great future together.

Good luck!

Ukrainian online dating is not a funny game

Dear friends,

Many people think that online dating is a nice opportunity to act like a completely another person (for example, a man is a quiet and inactive office worker in real life, but a self-confident macho online). From my experience as a dating blogger, I have mentioned that some Western men do not understand that their behavior can hurt women from Ukraine. They guess if they do not know women in person, just through a dating site they are allowed to do everything they want. They forget that the Ukrainian women have feelings and hope to find a partner for life.

I have read tons of sad stories about how the women from Ukraine had been very hurt by Western men. I get a lot of mails from Western men that tell me that they have been scammed, hurt and disappointed by Ukrainian women. This is a sad fact that some Ukrainian women play with men’s feelings, emotions and trust. Some men cannot trust Russian and Ukrainian brides after their negative experiences with International online dating. And this is, in my opinion, just awful.

On the other hand, I got a few messages from my readers in which they tell me their stories. Sad stories… Without even having realized it, they’d hurt and disappointed women from Ukraine. The men gave them hope, and then simply disappeared from the women’s lives. I read the stories that the men have a long distance relationship for several years, become engaged and plan a life together. What I say now is just my assumption. I do not know these girls personally, but as a woman I can imagine how they feel. It hurts…

If I would blog in Russian I would advise Ukrainian girls: stop thinking that Ukrainian online dating is a funny game! Think about the feelings of others! Stop hurting the feelings of the men who write to you with hope to find someone special abroad! But as you know, I offer dating advice for Western men.

Therefore, I want to give you a little piece of Ukrainian online dating advice. You hurt a woman and she cannot forgive you, but you decide to do everything in order to save your relationship.

My advice is before you do something, ask yourself honestly: do you really love this woman? Are you ready to support this woman the whole life and provide for her wellbeing? If your answer is “Yes, I am”, you have to make a lot of effort to win her faith in you back. Her doubts are big…

But if she still loves you, she will find strength to forgive you. If she does not want to talk to you, write her a letter about your feelings, about your love. Tell her that if she gives you a second chance, you can show her your love. You can prove that you are the man who takes care of his family, supports his wife and provides for her. Anybody can make mistakes. Nobody is perfect. If she has any feelings for you, she should give your love a chance.

My last advice: do not play with her trust. It is very easy to break it and very difficult to win it again.

Let’s talk about Ukrainian dating clichés

Dear friends,

Let’s talk about International (rather Ukrainian) dating clichés today. Recently, I have received a mail from one of my readers who accused me that I provide/give false information about Ukrainian women, namely: we are beautiful, feminine, tender and family-oriented.

In fact, in his opinion, the truth about Ukrainian women for marriage is completely the opposite. He wrote me that us, Ukrainian ladies, are lazy and we expect that the man does everything in a relationship. In addition, the reader told me that he had corresponded with over 100 women from the Ukraine, and all the women were the same, namely: they gave off an impression of being lazy, did not respond to him and they showed no interest in developing the communication with the man. He wrote me that (all) Ukrainian women are not usually interested in putting any work or effort into a relationship.

Therefore, I decided to write an article about generalizations and clichés in the International online dating. “Blonde hair, red lips, and a mini skirt” & “an ideal wife, mother and homemaker”- these are the standard images of Russian and Ukrainian women in the West. As a result, thousands of Western men start looking for the ideal woman from Ukraine and Russia each year. Unfortunately, many men become disappointed after a while because they understand some of the Ukrainian dating clichés just do not correspond to reality.

Let’s see what the problem is. As said above, the reader had communicated with over 100 Ukrainian brides through different online dating services – without any success. Now, he thinks that all Ukrainian women are not able to start a happy intercultural relationship with a Western man.

In the first place I have to say that much more than merely 100 single women for marriage live in Ukraine. For that reason, it is simply wrong to think that all Ukrainian women are bad and lazy. I would like to ask you, guys, if you think that all Ukrainian women are the same. Every woman in Ukraine has the same personality? Are all Western men the same? Are all American men the same? I do not think so.

We are making a big mistake here: we all love to make generalizations about everything in this life. We assume that “All German men are cold”, “All American men are superficial”, “All Ukrainian and Russian women are just after my money”, or “All Thai women unquestionably obey the man”. But is that really true? I don’t think so. Western men should understand that Ukrainian women can be brunettes or blondes, good or bad, family- or career-oriented, lazy or hard-working. We Ukrainian women are just different (exactly like yourselves).

Typical woman from Ukraine?
Secondly, it is a known fact that if we make a mistake or have no success in what we do, we always tend to blame others. We cannot see our own mistakes and won’t take criticism from others. The reader wrote me that there is no doubt for him that Ukrainian women are responsible for the fact that he did not find a match in Ukraine. I am rather sure that the man thinks he did everything perfectly, and, of course, the women from Ukraine did everything wrong.

The reasons why over 100 Ukrainian women with whom the man had communicated did not show any interest can be the following:

Boring messages that lack true interest and emotions
Too big age difference (I do not recommend you to look for women who are 20 years younger than you)
Strange behavior of the men (e.g. questions about sex, intimacy, clothing size, etc.)
Misconceptions about the Ukrainian online dating (some Western men think, “I am a Western man and do not need to make any effort to win the heart of a Ukrainian woman. She must be happy if I send a message to her”).
You must understand that Ukrainian women are considered to be one of the most beautiful and desirable women in the world. We can choose, as well. We have requirements to males, as well.

In conclusion, I have a question for you, guys. Why are there so many happy Ukrainian-Western couples in the world if all Ukrainian women for marriage seem to be bad? Of course, there is also the possibility that the Ukrainian-Western marriage will not work. But as you know, not every American (Western) relationship works, either.

I recommend you, dear Gentlemen, not to make generalizations about Ukrainian women and just be adequate with your purposes and desires.

Good luck!

Western men’s opinions: Why not to date American women

Dear friends,

My regular reader Hilton has explained a few times already why he does not want to date an American woman. I decided to do a little online analysis and find Western men’s opinions on “Why don’t they want to date American women” through different Russian and Ukrainian women forums.

Here is Hilton’s opinion on why not to date American ladies:

I’ve dated 23 different women in my life and none, NOT ONE SINGLE AMERICAN WOMEN, was able to convince me as to why marrying any of them would be any better than me staying single!

I don’t hate american women but I understand that the american culture, being that I’m a native hawaiian, don’t match my thought process and outlook on life. I’m reserved and somewhat conservative. I found that the outlook on life that Ukrainian women have match how I think and I believe that you have to search for a woman, from a country, that matches how you look at life. Being an american with another american isn’t good enough these days. Information moves too quickly and wrong information moves even quicker. So, you have to find what matches your outlook on life; even if that means looking in another country to do so!


I would correctly say that 95%, at minimum, of ALL american women, who are 18 years of age and older, will put there career ahead of there relationships with there boyfriends/husband simply because of the femenistic culture that has brainwashed american women. American men know that American women have overpriced themselves in the market and now you have female politicians(american female politicians) making laws that makes it harder for american men to find wives outside of the United States….


We all know why American guys want to find a woman from Ukraine or Russia, namely: we are feminine, family-oriented and pretty. We all know why Russian and Ukrainian women dream to find a match abroad, namely: most Russian and Ukrainian men drink too much, they are violent, they don’t respect their woman, they don’t respect family values…

I am wondering if American ladies are not able and do not want to give their men the basic things like care, attention, affection, respect and patience in the relationship and marriage. Is that really true? In my opinion, the most common reason (that I’ve heard of) why American men want to find a Ukrainian or Russian woman is that American women (their women) are extremely emancipated and career oriented.

I found some interesting opinions of the Western men that I would like to present in the today’s article:

Opinion # 1:
Opinion # 2:
Opinion # 3:

Opinion # 4:

Opinion # 5:

Opinion # 6:

And why don’t you want to date an American woman, dear readers?

A comprehensive cost analysis of Ukrainian and Russian dating

Dear friends,

Many Western men dream to meet a special woman from the Ukraine or Russia and do not think about the possible costs that may later seem like just huge. From experiences of Western men looking for a woman from Ukraine, approximate average cost of Ukrainian and Russian adventure: $10,000-$15,000.

As you see, the cost of Ukrainian and Russian dating to some may be very expensive, but to others a great bargain. Depending on the country, in which you live. The cost to date and possibly win the heart of a respectable lady could be twice that of a woman from a foreign country.

The idea of dating another woman from a different country is rooted far back in history. Often the courtship would start with mail or other means of correspondence.

Mostly men from the United States seem to be the highest ranking customers for Ukrainian and Russian women for marriage. In my opinion, this may be because U.S. women are so hard to please and are used to the better things in life.

Women from Ukraine, Russia, the Philippines and Thailand do not have the lavish lifestyle that North American women take for granted. Such as going to a movie or the corner store when she wants to or to even take a job if she would like. Which does make a foreign bride more appreciative of their spouse and the new freedoms she might experience by being in a new country.

The cost to date a Ukrainian and Russian woman for marriage is decided by a great many things such as postage, phone calls, air fair, translation cost as well as dinner and a movie. Other costs are related to the Ukrainian dating services such as purchasing an online service membership, purchasing their catalog of women and the purchase of a woman’s address. These cost can also be related to the country that you live and the distance that you may be from your prospective bride.

The approximate prices of the Ukrainian dating process are listed below:

Purchasing the address the of the Ukrainian and Russian women: $10-$15 for each address
Sending of letters will cost: $5 per letter
Translation of phone call: $6 for every minute
Purchasing the catalogue of Ukrainian and Russian women: $120
Online dating service membership: $80-$650
Airfare: $500-$1000 and even more at times, depending on the distance of the country you are moving to.
Ukrainian Romance tour: $3,500-$7,500, it includes accommodation and other expenses.
The VISA cost of Ukrainian and Russian women for marriage come within a reasonable $450
These cost can add up quickly, but the opportunity to find your true love is well worth it. There are several different sites on-line like,, A Pretty or that offer International dating services. They offer an opportunity to select and to get to know your Ukrainian woman of interest. Which can help you make that final decision of meeting her or not.

As you know, Ukrainian and Russian women are very pleasant and often seem much easier pleased than most women from other countries. This may be related to the way they were brought up by their family and their traditions. Or by the social and economic situations of the country they lived in. The thought of a bride from another culture has always been intriguing to most men and can be a fantastic learning experience for a couple.

In conclusion, I should mention that not matter what part of the world you live in or where you decide to look for a special woman for life. The cost is not an issue when it comes to your happiness it should be a matter of personal preference to your satisfaction.

Romance Tours from A Foreign Affair as an alternative to dating sites

Dear friends,

This is no secret that online dating can take an eternity. A man searches for a special Ukrainian woman on a dating site and writes a message to her. If you are lucky, you get a response from the woman. Then the “communication” phase begins… From my personal experience, I can say you that the online communication takes a few months until you meet in person. Romance tours offers a great chance to meet a woman of your dreams more quickly.

Tofay, I wooul like to tell you about one of the most famous and professional romance tour operators, namely: A Foreign Affair (

Foreign Affairs offers the choice way for anyone to meet thousands of beautiful foreign women. This tour company has been introducing men with exotic ladies for nearly two decades. Clients are sure to find the wife of their dreams when they rely on the services of Foreign Affairs. Tours are conducted around the world. Men can choose any country they want to visit. Ukraine and Russia are some of the most popular destinations. These countries are known for their blonde beauties that are dying to meet a Western man. South American countries are also included and offer men a chance to spend some time with exotic Latin ladies.

Choosing the proper way to meet foreign women can minimize problems. With Foreign Affairs, men are sure to meet many women who are eligible. All the women are carefully screened to ensure compatibility. Men are often concerned about their safety and the possibility of getting schemed by women in foreign countries. There are no needs to worry about this issue with Foreign Affairs.

This company has earned its reputation and has been creating successful matches since 1995. All the women who take part in the tours and dates are fully screened prior to being accepted. This assures men will find women who are serious about finding a husband. The company also has offices in all the major cities where tours are conducted. Foreign Affairs is tuned in to the local communities and provides a valuable service to the women in host countries as well as to men.

Foreign brides are exotic, and women are dying to meet the Western man of their dreams. Many ladies are from small towns. Finding an eligible bachelor in these towns is difficult and often impossible. Beautiful women do not have much chance of leaving their homes, and they are often stuck working in jobs that are low paying, even when they have a college degree. Money is tight, and travel is often difficult. For this reason, women are turning to the opportunities that are found with Foreign Affairs. They can be introduced to eligible bachelors who can offer them much more than they will ever find in their home countries.

Taking advantage of a variety of tours is the best way for men to meet exciting exotic women from around the world. Tours are held in Costa Rica, Asia, Peru, Russia and the Ukraine. These countries are known for their beautiful ladies. Many women speak English fluently and have studied the language during their college careers. Interpreters are also provided during the tour, but they are often unnecessary.

Choosing to take a romance tour offers great chances for men to enjoy and meet beautiful ladies. Foreign Affairs offers comprehensive packages that include airfare, lodging and socials. The socials are one of the best parts of the entire tour. These events feature thousandsd of ladies that have been handpicked by the various clients.

There are many more women than men in attendance, and they are all anxious to meet Western guys. Clients are encouraged to get to know as many women as possible, because there is a good chance that one of these ladies will become a great wife. The women are pre-screened before attending, and they are chosen by the men who take part in the tour. If there is a lady that seems interesting, you can ask to have her invited to the social.

Personal one on one introductions are another way that men can meet the lady of their dreams. Enrolling in the service will offer men a chance to browse through thousands of women from around the world. All these ladies are looking for a foreign husband. As a client of Foreign Affairs, you are offered a chance to get to know these ladies better. Many men begin chatting with women on the Internet and use instant messaging and video calls to get to know women before they travel to a foreign country. This is just another of the ways that men can meet a host of potential brides from the comforts of their home.

Advice and support are also offered by Foreign Affairs. This company does more than just help men meet the woman of their dreams. Guidance is offered to help men secure the necessary travel permits to enable their wives to move home with them. There is a host of red tape that is cut through with ease by the Foreign Affairs staff. Their employees know how to proceed and can help clients follow through with the entire process.

Finding an exotic wife is best done with a comprehensive dating service like Foreign Affairs. This company is the original foreign dating service and offers unrivalled ways for guys to meet the foreign woman of their choice. Tours are held in the greatest countries around the world, and there are thousands of women waiting to meet you.

Peter asks – Natalya answers

Dear Readers,

Peter, one of my readers, has left a comment on a few days ago. In his commentary, he has asked a few important questions about Ukrainian women and dating. I answered him. In my opinion, this information can also be useful for other men, that’s why I have decided to publish the whole story on my blog today. I hope that my Ukraine dating advice to Peter can help you, too.

Peter asks:

Enjoyed your piece on the differences between Russian/Ukrainian women and Thai women. My only experience has been with American and Colombian women.

What are the differences between Russian and Ukrainian women?

What do you consider an acceptable age difference between an older American man and a younger Russian or Ukrainian woman?

Lastly, I’ve heard that visiting the host country, as opposed, for example, letter writing, is the only way to meet and marry a Russian or Ukrainian woman.

If so, do you recommend an agency like A Foreign Affair or Anastasia or just meet them online and go there?




Natalia answers:

Hello Peter,

thank you for your comment. Sorry that I answer you so late, I was sick
But now I feel better and can answer your questions.

Question 1: What are the differences between Russian and Ukrainian women?

Answer: There is no great difference between Russian and Ukrainian women. The cultures and mentalities are very similar. The religion is the same (Orthodox), the appearance is also the same (you can see immediately that Russian and Ukrainian women are of Slavic origin).

I would say that there is a slight difference in temperament and family roles. Russian women are a little quieter, Ukrainian women are more emotional and play the first violin in their families. Russian and Ukrainian women are very family oriented – they are definitely the same in this point of view.

Question 2. What do you consider an acceptable age difference between an older American man and a younger Russian or Ukrainian woman?

Answer: For me personally, an acceptable age difference between an older (American, English, Deutsch, French, etc. ..) man and a younger Russian or Ukrainian woman is max. 10 years.

Although, as I said before, this question is also very personal. Everyone should decide for themselves. I know a couple in Germany (she is Russian, her husband is German) and 20 years lie between them. But they are very happy together and have two kids.

Question 3: Lastly, I’ve heard that visiting the host country, as opposed, for example, letter writing, is the only way to meet and marry a Russian or Ukrainian woman. If so, do you recommend an agency like A Foreign Affair or Anastasia or just meet them online and go there?

Answer: Unfortunately, the distance between the U.S. and Russia / Ukraine is very big and it’s pretty difficult and expensive to go every month to Ukraine to meet in person women there for marriage. The only reasonable possibility to meet women is Ukraine online dating services like, and AnastasiaDate. You can, of course, try to find Ukrainian and Russian women in America. There are many Ukrainian women who have emigrated to America.

Dear friends,
if you have any questions about Ukraine women and dating, please don’t hesitate to contact me (like Peter did )

@Peter: I hope I could help you with my piece of Ukraine dating advice. If you need more information, just ask me!

Greg’s Romantic Experiences With Women In Ukraine

Dear friends,

Greg, a loyal reader of Ukrainian dating blog, told me that he spent two weeks in May in Ukraine. He has gained valuable experiences with the Ukrainian women and culture and wants to tell my blog readers about his romantic tour.

This is Greg’s story:

Hi Nataly

I just got back from my first trip to the Ukraine…yes, I say my first trip because I promise I will go again sometime, hopefully sooner than later.

Anyways, I’d love to help some guys that are planning on using one of the tour companies; or I come back single as when I left, but I had some great experiences and I have some great photos and a couple of girls personal emails and phone numbers to see if anything can romantic experience in ukraine happen between us.

My first suggestion before anything else is to take the paid emails with a “grain of salt”, some girls email you or some just have their translator email you. I found out after spending more money than I initially wanted to, but still less than many of the other men on my trip. After meeting 2 girls on my first 2 days and having to pay translator fees of $15/hour, I quickly realized I couldn’t afford to meet women who couldn’t speak some English or at least feel comfortable enough to leave their translators to be with me.

It’s a double edged sword because the women are actually recruited by local agencies and then Anastasia contacts their agency to set up a potential date. So, the women are either intimidated by their agency to ensure that they use their translator or unfortunately some girls are in business to pretend they don’t know ukrainian girlEnglish to make money (two girls I saw with other men, pretended to not know English, then I saw them each act as a translator for the other).

Another trick I saw happen to some men was if they wanted to bring in a girl from out of town, example Nikolaev to Odessa. My friend paid for a one day apartment for the girl and her translator, paid for the taxi drive and worked it out where he wouldn’t have to pay the translator all night because we were going to Club Itaka (too loud to talk anyways). However, he found out the girls took the bus and then on the way to the club the translator argued with my friend and insisted he pay her all night. He ended up doing it, just be careful what you are willing to do.

However, Not all girls are in it to make money, there are really some very nice women in the Ukraine. They are really looking for the the same there just as women from anywhere else in the world, they want to get to know you and you shouldn’t expect a kiss or even a hug until a few dates (as I found out, which was fine with me).

One girl, I did spend 6 or 7 dates with never asked me for taxi money, translator fees or to take her shopping, or to go to nice restaurants. She is a wonderful girl and I hope she keeps in touch with me. I did surprise her and took her shopping on our last day for new shoes and some clothes and a nice dinner. It felt like a real date and at least a week long relationship.

My best advice is to go in with low expectations and to hope for the best… One man on my trip was back on his second trip to take care of the Fiance Visa, receipts and pictures… A side note, They never left their hotel room. So as you can see, there are happy endings in life and the Ukraine after all. Good luck all.


Ukraine Dating Dilemma: Age Differences

Dear Friends,

Today I will describe an extremely hot topic, namely age differences in relationships between Western men and Ukrainian women. A few months ago I wrote a post about it already (s. “Age differences in a relationship with Ukrainian women“), but I’m getting many mails from my readers asking me: “I’m 50, my Ukraine girl is 23years old. Can this relationship work?”. Therefore I decided to write another article about age differences in a relationship with Ukrainian girls.

We know that many older Western men prefer to date younger Ukrainian and Russian women. Those older men who enjoy dating Ukrainian girls must first understand how to enter a relationship with a younger Ukrainian woman.

In my experience, men enjoy being with a younger woman because young women like myself are youthful, energetic, and fun. However, a relationship is much more then just fun and games. Is it possible for a 50 year old man to have a successful relationship with a 20 year old woman of Ukraine? Yes, it is possible

In order for an older man to have a successful relationship with a younger Ukrainian or Russian woman, he must not obsess over the age gap. The woman should not obsess over the age gap either. Dwelling on age will get the relationship nowhere. The relationship is less about age and more about the compatibility between the two.

A man should not just begin dating Ukrainian girls just because he feels like it. Instead, he should attempt to find one that is not just young and beautiful but also has many compatibilities with him. If the man and woman have some similar hobbies and interests, the relationship is more likely to last longer.

Another essential point that an older man should ALWAYS remember is that most young women are very energetic when it comes to sexuality. While an older man may not be able to perform as he used to when he was younger, he must understand that a young woman needs to be satisfied sexually in order to maintain a happy and healthy relationship.

Sex and intimacy is not the most important factor in a relationship but it does play a huge role in keeping both partners happy. If she is not sexually satisfied, she may seek sex from another. In my opinion, if you are an older man and you want to keep up with a young woman but do not feel as though you have enough energy, get on Viagra immediately. Do not waste time being ashamed! Trust me, you will both thoroughly enjoy the sex and if you are enjoying it, you will both be happy.

Why Ukraine Women Don’t Talk About Sex (Part 2)

Before you, guys, start to read the second part of my article “Why Ukraine Women Don’t Talk About Sex”, I recommend you to read the first part about why Ukraine ladies don’t talk about their sexual experience and preferences. Already read? OK, here is the second part!

Although it can be frustrating for western men to wait so long to talk about something that seems very basic to them, it goes a long way toward making Russian Ukrainian women feel comfortable and safe enough in a relationship to trust the men they are dating. When sex does come up, it is a great sign for the relationship, meaning that the man and woman are serious about each other and intimate enough to talk about such a personal matter.

The problem, of course, is not that Ukrainian woman do not like sex or refuse ever to talk about it. It is simply a more private topic in Ukrainian culture. When a relationship does progress to a point that it is appropriate to talk about sex, Ukrainian women are happy and excited to do so. Waiting a while to bring up the subject will make sure that both people feel safe and comfortable with discussing a sensitive topic.

In our relationships with western men, my girlfriends and I have sometimes been angered or offended when men asked us very direct questions about our past sex lives or sexual preferences. I know now that they were trying to be friendly and considerate and that to them, asking these questions was just a way of getting to know me better. But for me, and for other women of Ukraine, these questions seem more aggressive than friendly.

So if you are trying to impress a Ukrainian woman, my advice is to avoid the subject of sex for some time. Talk to her about her job, her family, her musical tastes, her favorite books, her hobbies, her vacation plans, and other less personal topics. This will reassure her that you are interested her and respect her as a person. Once you have gotten to know each other and built trust, you can talk about sex effectively without causing offense.

Why Ukraine Women Don’t Talk About Sex (Part 1)

In my experience, a major source of misunderstandings between Ukrainian women and western men is their different attitudes toward sex (I wrote already about this topic in my article “Sexed Up or Sexless…Depends On If Your Culturally In Tune“). Ukrainian culture is still fairly conservative in its attitudes toward physical intimacy, and the subject simply does not come up as early for the women of Ukraine as it does for the men of the United States, Canada, Western Europe, and other more sexually liberated countries.
 This means that men dating Ukraine women sometimes accidentally offend their girlfriends by speaking very openly about sex early in a relationship. Although this seems natural to western men, it can be offensive to Ukrainian women, making us feel as though the men are suggesting we sleep around or have lots of casual sex. This suggestion is not acceptable for the women of Ukraine, since women who do have sex very casually are not respected in our culture.

To avoid offending their girlfriends, men dating Ukraine women should avoid speaking too explicitly about sex early in a relationship. It is especially offensive to ask a women how many men she has slept with or expect her to share stories about previous boyfriends, because this can seem like an accusation.

Western men may be used to asking their girlfriends about their sexual preferences early in their relationship. For a western man, this may seem like a good way to communicate and make sure both partners understand each other’s desires.

However, it can be very uncomfortable for a Ukrainian woman to talk about such topics with a man she does not know very well. Therefore, it is better to wait a while before bringing up such topics. Once a relationship is serious, these matters can be discussed without causing a woman to feel uncomfortable or ashamed.

To be continued…

The First Meeting’s No Gos with Ukrainian Women (Part 2)

Did you read the first part of the post “The First Meeting’s No Gos with Ukrainian Women” already? You didn’t? Let’s do it now!

Stinginess is (Not) Horny

Don’t live by this motto on the first meeting–or ever. If you’ve exerted yourself enough to fly to the Ukraine, that doesn’t mean we’re happy with–or that we desire–a cheeseburger and fries. Not every woman wants to be wined and dined, but the first meeting is your chance to impress, so it should probably occasion fancier dining or activities than subsequent dates. Again, what’s appropriate for a first meeting in the US holds true for Ukraine women as well.

“Ukraine is a cheap country with beautiful mail order brides”

That may be true in the vast realm of stereotypes, but when you’re standing in front of an actual Ukraine woman, put it as far from your mind as politics, the economy and your job situation back home in the US. It’s easier to categorize a place and a people before you’ve encountered that place or those people, but that simple shelving method should never apply to a woman you’re looking eye-to-eye with.

Calling Us Ukrainian Mail Order Brides

Consider this the cardinal sin of first meeting no gos. It’s about as true as us calling you a couch-bound, beer-slurping slob. In fact, it’s worse, because being a couch-bound slob may apply some of the time, but referring to a woman as a “mail order bride” says volumes about her system of ethics and her morals. Instead, call a Ukrainian woman by her name. As a rule, treat a Ukrainian woman as you would treat any woman for whom you had respect, regardless of her nationality.

Lastly, consider this: if a Ukrainian woman wants you meet you, it’s likely because you’ve displayed some attractive traits. Maybe your humor or your good nature came across. Focus on maintaining and enhancing those qualities in her presence and you’re well on your way to a good first meeting.

The First Meeting’s No Gos with Ukrainian Women (part 1)

Dear Men, dating Ukraine women is not as simple as you might think :). It’s much more than a simple, one-two swipe of the hair in front of your bathroom mirror and appearing before us in all your jeans-clad glory. Just as you may hold us to certain standards, we do you as well. So if you’re looking to date any one of our beautiful Ukraine women, make sure you don’t commit any one of these no go sins at your first meeting.

Boring Conversation

Politics, the economy and your job situation back home are about as interesting as the dripping of a leaky tap. Which is to say, they’re not only boring, but they also grate on our ears when we listen too closely. Religion falls under the same heading: we may have it, but we don’t necessarily care to talk about it on the first meeting. As an alternative, try asking us questions and drawing us into the conversation. One thing that’s almost universal among men and women is that none of us likes to do all the listening.

Shoddy Clothes

You wouldn’t wear your around-the-house jeans and that moth-holed sweater from the far end of your closet on a first date in the US, so why would Ukraine be any different? Men who want to date beautiful Ukraine women should know that we women expect the reverse, too. Think of it like a job interview: overdress for the initial and subsequent meetings, at least until you get a sense for what’s acceptable.

No Flowers

Dating Ukraine women involves certain courtship rites, and one of those simple expectations is flowers on the first meeting. Don’t be ungentlemanly and arrive with your hands dangling by your sides. In general, assume that a woman prefers especially gentlemanly behavior. Even if she doesn’t like you pulling out her chair, it won’t ruin your chances of a second meeting to do it once.

To be continued…

Be Patient! Ukraine Dating isn’t Always Easy

Are you struggling to meet the Ukrainian woman of your dreams? Don’t worry, I know just how you feel. Searching for the perfect woman can be terribly frustrating. Luckily, finding her will be worth the struggle.

If you are in a dating slump, take a deep breath and relax. I have some great Ukraine dating advice to help you find “the one.”

In my experience, nothing good has ever come easy. Do you want a beautiful Ukrainian woman to just fall into your lap? Actually, that may be a bad example. Most men would probably love that. The point is that half the fun of dating is the thrill of the chase. To appreciate a relationship, you must have had to work for it. You will appreciate your girlfriend or wife so much more if you’ve had to really search to find her.

In case you forgot, you should also remember that Ukrainian women are worth the wait. Not only are Ukrainian women known for their beauty and style, but they are also spontaneous, flirtatious, and fun to be around. Ukrainian women are sought after by men from all over the world. That’s because many of these women are nothing less than fantastic.

Unfortunately, you aren’t going to meet the perfect woman overnight. Dating takes time. If you try to rush things, you will only be cheating yourself.

To find a great Ukrainian woman, take the time to talk to a number of different women. Let your confident, masculine nature shine through all of your interactions. Ukrainian women love flirtatious, confident men. Don’t be afraid to have fun and let loose.

The best Ukraine dating advice that I could give is to be patient. Unless you are extremely lucky, you’ll have to gain some experience before finding the right woman. Anytime you begin feeling frustrated, remind yourself that the right Ukrainian woman is out there and she will certainly be worth the wait.

Sexed Up or Sexless…Depends On If Your Culturally In Tune

Does someone’s cultural background play a big role in the sexual relationship between western men and Ukrainian women? I think so and let me explain to you why! You see, I have had sexual encounters with Western men and Ukrainian men alike. In my opinion, western men believe that sex is a game of who’s got the bigger “paycheck” and sometimes that does mean money. However, our world is different, so our needs to become sexually aroused are different.

Us Ukrainian women have big brains to go along with our other voluptuous parts, so we know when men are full of it, and when they just want to have sex, which is often and usually with more than one woman. The only good thing about that last part is that we don’t mind other women, even at the same time. Polygamy is common and we learn to get used to and love it early on in dating. I know this may be a shocker for some of you men in the western world with our culture being so different.

It’s pretty interesting being alive in these times, because I have a better chance at a relationship going on online than the usual bar date. Men approach me from all sorts of angles when they find out I am a Ukrainian woman interested in western men they treat me as if I am mentally disabled rather than foreign. Finding the right man is hard because it seems like they have never taken the time to get to know what I am about. Like first off, don’t suggest I cut my hair OR think it’s sexy to pull my hair! This is not cool, my hair is sacred and not a sex toy for you to twirl.

If you want to be with a Ukrainian woman you have to at least learn the basics to understand how she thinks.

Love Guide to a Romantic Trip to Ukraine (part 3)

Did you read the first part and the second part of Love Guide to a Romantic Trip to Ukraine already? You didn’t? Just do it before you are going to read the last part of my love guide!

A history lesson of Ukraine

To give you a little bit of a history lesson on Ukraine, Ukraine is an old country. It’s been around since at least 4500 BCE. Needless to say, a lot of tribes came and went until we see the mix of Ukrainian population you see today. Some important dates in Ukrainian history include “The Ruin” a 30 year war between Poland, Russia, Turks and Cossacks for control of Ukraine.

Then in more recent history, Ukraine was overtaken by the Soviet government, causing Ukraine to be devastated and leaving hundreds of thousand dead and over a million people dead. World Wars I and II weren’t kind on Ukraine either, with the country receiving a tremendous amount of damage. In other words, Ukraine has a long history of war.

A language lesson of Ukraine

You’re not going to learn the language overnight either, so it’s important to learn a couple of sayings first both to get around the city and get acquainted with your honey. “Hello” is (DOH-brihy dehn’) and the shorter version of that “Hi” is (vee-TAH-yoo). Now that you’ve presented yourself, you need to introduce yourself. (meh-NEH ZVAH-tih) means “My name is _____”. Now ask her what her name is by saying (yak vahs ZVAH-tih?). At this point, you’ve probably impressed and charmed her by surprising her with a little bit of her own language. If you want to impress her more, by all means go read up. Of course, at sometime during your trip, you’re going to want to say this. “Ya tebe kohayu” which means “I love you”.

No fear!!!!

It’s important to know also the past experiences of men who’ve tried looking for wives in Ukraine. It’s important to note that some men are hesitant to look for wives in Ukraine because of the fear of getting scammed. This fear, though, is very minimal and most women in Ukraine are not scammers. It’s still imporant to be careful whenever meeting someone new but if you go through an agency, they usually screen all their candidates beforehand, reducing your risks extremely.

So there, you’ve got your tips to finding the perfect Ukrainian bride. Go out there and find one!

The end

Love Guide to a Romantic Trip to Ukraine (part 2)

Did you read the first part of Love Guide to a Romantic Trip to Ukraine already? You didn’t? Just do it before you are going to read the second part of my guide!

How much to spend on your romantic trip to Ukraine

After you’ve gone through all the Ukraine tours and found the right one, the next step is to budget out how much to spend on your trip to find your future wife. The Ukraine Hrivna’s exchange rate with the US dollar favors the dollar considerably so you shouldn’t have a problem with food and accommodations. Travel, however, is expensive in Ukraine so take this into account when budgeting your travel plans inside the country so make sure to know what places you’ll visit.

Places to visit in Ukraine

Speaking of places to visit, one of the most beautiful places to visit in Ukraine is Crimea. This amazing region is known for its health resorts and wine. It’s definitely a romantic place to get to with your future wife.

Another gem of a destination are the Carpathian mountains. The Carpathian mountains are considered the Green Pearl of Ukraine with main activities including hiking and camping.

Next is the capital of Ukraine, Kiev. Kiev is a very scenic city with some very interesting art and architecture. You’re sure to romance her in Kiev. Other places which are recommended to visit are Lviv, Odesa, Yalta, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Chernihiv, and Poltava. Of course it’s your choice on where to visit and not to mention where your ideal woman is located.

As they say, when in Rome do as the Roman do. Well, you’re going to be in Ukraine and this quotable quote is even more relevant for people traveling for love. You don’t have to just fit in with the people, you have to find a wife. To make sure you don’t end up insulting your future wife, make sure you know the culture and the history of Ukraine. You just might end up impressing her and bringing home a gorgeous Ukrainian wife.

To be continued…

Love Guide to a Romantic Trip to Ukraine (part 1)

If you’re like most guys looking for love online, you’re probably still looking, well, because you’re still reading this article. To help you shorten that search process a little bit, this blog post “Love Guide to a Romantic Trip to Ukraine” is dedicated to giving you the best tips on how to find that ideal wife for you in Ukraine.

Why Ukraine Love Trips?

You know already that one of the best places to find a wife is Ukraine. They’ve got amazing women there, and if you don’t believe me just look upt Olga Kurylenko. If she’s hot enough for James Bond, she’s hot enough for me.

Okay, granted not all Ukranian women are like Olga but a lot of Ukranian women are close to that. Plus, there are Ukraine romance tours and Ukraine marriage tours around that can provide profiles of women that fit your type. You can do it all from the comforts of your computer. Just ukraine wifesign up, look up the woman of your dreams and make contact.

Ukraine Romantic Trip’s Success Rate

Another reason why Ukraine and taking Ukraine marriage tours would be a good idea is it’s success rate. Over 60% of men who go on Ukraine romance tours end up getting married with Russian and Ukranian women. Not a bad figure at all if you ask me.

Step #1. The Right Ukraine Dating & Tour Company

So what do you do next? Find the right tour company. As mentioned before, there are plenty of Ukraine tours offering this service so all you have to do is choose a reputable one that introduces you and the woman in a manner fitting you. Also, they should have photos of their applicants so you can see which profiles you would like to be matched up with during your tour.

To be continued….

Do International Relationships Work Better?

Have you been trying to find a Western woman to date and marry with little success? Do you think that Western women are too obsessed with their own careers, to the point that they do not even seem interested in getting married and having a family?

It can be hard to form that special bond of love with a woman who only cares about her work, who only cares about what she can accomplish and not who she can love. This is ukrainian datinga tough thing that I have heard many Western men complain about. Fortunately, there is a solution What you need to do is to look for Ukrainian women for marriage instead.

As a Ukrainian woman myself, I know how different the values are here than in the West. This is not to say that Ukrainian women do not care about their careers or about success. They certainly do care about these things and put a lot of energy into them. However, they generally manage to find a much better sense of balance. Ukraine is a place where the old-world values of family and love still exist and are still vibrant within the society. Ukrainian women know that a family can be more important than any career, that a husband and children can bring more joy than any amount of money.

All told, I would have to say that I think international relationships do work better in some cases. I think that Western men can look for Ukrainian women for marriage and find more happiness than they ever could close to home.

There are some things that will be difficult, that will require work. There are cultural differences that will have to be addressed, for example, as well as the sheer distance. In the end, however, the loving relationship that is formed will make all of these things well worth it.

Why do some American/Western Women Hate Women from Ukraine?

Today I decided to write about something I usually avoid writing about. It’s not about relationships between Ukrainian women and Western men; it is not about love and cultural differences. It is about hatred and being envious of others. I always try to give my best and help people to be happy. When I talk about love and happiness, I do not really care what nationality a person is. The most important thing is that we understand each other well.

On my Ukrainian Dating blog I write explicitly about Ukrainian women and the Ukrainian dating culture. Despite the fact that I live abroad, as you may already know I was born in Ukraine and I’ve been on both sides of the fence. Speaking from my experience, I can say, many Western men have difficulties with finding the right woman for marriage and life from Eastern Europe (in our case, from Ukraine).

My blog is over 6 months old and mostly I get positive reactions to what I write about. I get many requests and questions about the Ukrainian culture, dating, and of course, about Ukrainian women. I get harsh e-mails as well in which certain readers express their criticism and say that what I do seems wrong to them. I think that’s okay and in such a way I can learn something from these reactions as I want to improve my blog.

But lately, I started getting really insulting mails from an American woman. The lady does not write her name; she calls herself “Furious” every time she leaves a comment on my blog. She mistakenly thinks that “Ukrainian and Russian women sell themselves as SEX in a box for a fee”. And she desperately hopes that Ukrainian and Russian women will continue living in their home countries and will stay away from all American men.

So to make it clear to everyone, I have nothing against American, German, English or Canadian women. But I have no desire or intention to write about them. My goal, as said above, is the Ukrainian dating culture as well as cross-cultural relationships between Russian and Ukrainian women and Western (not just American) men.

I am wondering why this woman shows so much hatred and is so envious of Ukrainian and Russian women. Is she unhappy? Or she hasn’t found a partner for life yet? Or perhaps, she feels threatened by the beauty and femininity of Ukrainian and Russian women? I don’t know. I can say only one thing: if Western men were so happy with their (German, American or English) women, would they look for women from Ukraine, Russia, Poland or Thailand? I don’t think so.

If American women cannot make their men happy they have to look for the right woman in foreign countries. There will always be problems and uncertainties about different cultures, languages, traditions and mentalities. And it’s the purpose of my blog to help people to overcome cultural stereotypes, help them to understand foreign cultures and just to be happy with women who will genuinely love them. Until I will report about these topics on my blog.

My Russian Ukrainian Wife is so Expensive

Russian and Ukrainian mail order brides are highly coveted by men of all ages around the world. For some reason, Russian and Ukrainian mail order brides are viewed as the ultimate type of woman to meet, fall in love with, and marry. But there are two main, important factors men need to take into consideration when thinking about getting to know one of these foreign women.

High Costs

The expenses associated with connecting with and marrying one of these women can be enormous. Fees can easily surpass $20,000 U.S. dollars because of agency charges, visa fees, transportation costs, housing, buying them engagement gifts, and so on. Many men simply don’t have this amount of money or aren’t willing to spend it.

And there’s no blaming them since many other women from different backgrounds are available who don’t have such cultural, ethnic and language differences to contend with. So while they’re tempting to look at and they seem irresistible, when it comes to actually fronting the money, men might want to choose alternative forms of marriage matchmaking. Many men don’t initially see these costs ahead of time when they’re scanning personal ads on European websites but they really should.

The Women are Human Beings (yes, they are :))

ukrainian woman for marriageIn addition, these women shouldn’t just be looked at as physical and sexual eye candy no matter how beautiful and voluptuous their pictures on websites might appear. They’re all three dimensional, well rounded human beings with a wide variety of deep emotions, feelings, habits, and idiosyncrasies that make them just like a woman from any other culture or nationality.

There are going to be challenges in forming and sustaining a happy relationship with any of them, the same as with any other type of women. This needs to be remembered as much as the high costs at all times so men don’t go into the process blindly and naive with false expectations.

Ukraine Fiancee Visa Requirements & Process (Part 3)

This is the third part of the article “Ukraine Fiancee Visa Requirements & Process” (you can read the second part of the article here: Ukraine fiancee visa requirements process (part 2))

7. Similarly, there needs to be proof that the two of you are engaged in ongoing communication. Letters, emails, instant messages…. it’s all good. Just make sure you redact the mushy stuff!

8. Your fiancée’s children, if she has any, can come with her to the States under her approved visa, provided they’re under 21 years of age.

9. The filing fee (oh yes, there’s always a fee!) for the K1 petition is currently $170 USD.

10. The average time for approval of your K1 visa petition is 3 to 6 months after the date of filing. As always, things can go faster or slower depending upon the whims of fate and / or your friendly overworked government employee.

11. Your fiancée will have her visa interview in whatever country she currently resides.

12. Please note: She will need to get a medical exam and police / security clearance before she has her interview.

13. Good news! After her interview is finished, your fiancée will, in the majority of cases, have her visa by the end of the same day.

14. Once everything is taken care of, and your lovely lady is granted her visa, she’ll have six months to come to the United States.

15. Once she arrives, a new clock starts counting down: You and your beloved now have 90 days to get married, or else she’ll have to go home, and you’ll be starting from scratch… so hurry up and say “I Do!”

16. After your marriage, you’ll need to file for an “adjustment of status”. You’ll want to do this as soon as possible, just so everything is nice and legal and your new wife can stay in the country with you (after all, that IS the idea, Romeo…).

And with that, Uncle Sam’s meddling in your love life is over! You’ve got a new wife, she has a new husband, and all that’s left is for this Ukrainian girl to wish you a long, happy, heavily-accented life together. Congratulations!

Ukraine Fiancee Visa Requirements & Process (Part 2)

K1 fiancee visaThis is the second part of the article “Ukraine Fiancee Visa Requirements & Process”

Commonly known as the “K1 fiancée visa”, or simply “the K1”, it’s all that stands between you and wedded bliss in America… and you have absolutely no idea what you’re doing. Fear not, my confused Casanova! I’m here to help. Below, you’ll find a simple outline of the basic steps you need to complete the fiancée visa process with a minimum of headaches. Take a look, apply what you learn, and before you know it, you’ll be ready to get your K1 fiancée visa.

Got your pen and paper ready? Ok, here’s how this all works:

1. You have to meet in person before you can petition for a visa. This should be obvious, but you’d be surprised how many men seem to overlook the fact that their bride-to-be would like to see her future groom before the wedding actually begins. Call us silly and old-fashioned, but that’s just the way girls work.

2. Both of you need to be single. Again, this is common sense. No girl, Ukrainian or otherwise, wants to find out she’s the secret 3rd wife.

3. You have to have originals (sometimes copies, check with applicable agencies for details) of any divorce decrees, death certificates, annulments, and so on to prove that you are, in fact, flying solo in the spousal department. In other words, your single status needs to be official.

4. There’s a minimum income threshold of $16,500 USD per family of two. Your Ukraine lady (to say nothing of yourself) needs to know that you’ll be able to feed, clothe, and shelter her. She’s far from home, in a strange land, surrounded by strangers who speak a language she may not understand. She shouldn’t have to worry about being homeless.

5. If your income is less than the amount stated above, there are other options for getting your visa. As always, contact applicable agencies for details.

6. You need photos of the two of you together. It can be anything – a picnic, a carnival, horseback riding, dinner with her parents… the point is, there should be photographic evidence that you and your fiancée have spent time together. Don’t worry…. these won’t be hard to come by. Girls like taking pictures, especially when they’re in love with the other person in the photo!

To be continued…

Ukraine Fiancee Visa Requirements & Process (Part 1)

I Now Pronounce You Man & Wife…. Almost

Dear friends,

It’s no secret, Ukrainian women seeking to marry foreigners (and the opposite) is big business. Search for the term “Ukraine”, and chances are good that Google will show “Ukraine mail order brides” in the top ten results. There are literally k1 visamillions of websites, agencies, and yes, scams, all promising you your heart’s desire for 3 easy payments of $57.95. Why, they’ll even gift-wrap your choice of their catalog of Ukraine mail order brides and ship her direct!

Obviously, some sites are legitimate, and some aren’t, but you can often single out the more reputable ones by the fact that they never call the women using their services “mail order brides”. Even so, and regardless of whether or not it’s a derisive term, that’s what most men seeking love abroad call their potential mates – at least the first time around. Men seeking the love of a Ukrainian woman soon learn to ditch that particular phrase altogether, although some of the slower ones still refer to their ladies as such in their heads.

Here’s a tip if you want to keep your girl around: NEVER let her catch you referring to her (or any of her friends, relatives, acquaintances, or countrywomen) as a Ukraine mail order bride!!!!! She’ll drop you like a hot bowl of borscht. But, if you’re reading this, you’re past the initial stuff. What you’re after is something more substantial, more practical… and I’m just the girl to give it to you. After all, wo better to teach you how to win the heart of your Ukrainian love than a Ukrainian girl?

Right then… so, you’ve searched high and low, spending countless nights scouring Google for every last tidbit of information pertaining to the fine art of wedding that most alluring of creatures, the Ukrainian female, and, having found the love of your life, it’s now time to embark upon what is perhaps the most dreaded part of courtship: The fiancée visa process.

Ukraine Fiancé Visa for Canada (Part 2)

Dear Friends,

Ukraine bride visa CanadaThis is the second part of the article Ukraine Fiancé Visa for Canada

We have a very open country and do not require Visas for visitors. Unless you will be here for more than 90 days, all you need is your passport. However, my country’s officials do require a few things before you will be allowed to enter.

• Your Canadian passport must be good for at least 9 more months; the 3 that you’re allowed to stay here plus 6 more.

• You must have at least two blank pages on the passport.

• You must already have a paid ticket for leaving the Ukraine.

Ukraine fiancee visa for canadaYour Ukraine woman is leaving behind a lot by going to Canada to be your wife. Her friends and family are all here, and she is going to miss them dearly. Many of the women I know who have married Canadian grooms have had two ceremonies; one in our homeland for her family and friends and another in Canada for their new husband’s family and friends. You will need all your paperwork and the woman will also require a valid passport, original birth certificate and proof that any former marriage is dissolved.

Taking the time to marry legally here will also simply your marriage immigration to Canada, making it easier for Ukrainian women to get a fiancé visa to Canada.

Becoming a Resident of Canada

Most Ukrainian women have all chosen to change their last names to match their husbands. I have read that the entire process for becoming official residents took anywhere from 6 months to a year and a half.

• You have to be 18 and a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.

• You must be legally able to marry and you must already be married to your Ukraine woman legally.

• You can not be accepting any government assistance; you have to be able to support your Ukraine wife on your own.

• You can not be in default on any other sponsorship agreement with the country.

• You will have to be able to show that you have the money to support your Ukraine wife.

• You can not be behind on any alimony or child support payments.

• You should have a clean record; you can not have a record for violent crimes or sex crimes.

Your Ukraine wife will have to fill out an application and there are some fees, but the entire process won’t be as bad at all.

Remember, at the end your reward is finally being able to marry and live with the Ukrainian woman of your dreams.

Ukraine Fiance Visa for Canada (Part 1)

Dear friends,

I have recently published a serie of articles about Ukraine Fiance Visa K1 for the USA: Requirements & Process on my blog. A few days ago, one of my Canadian readers wrote a message and asked what I know about Ukraine Bride Visa for Canada. Unfortunately, I couldn’t help him at that time. But yesterday I did an online research on this subject and found very helpful information. Today I’d like to share this information with you, dear readers.

Ukraine Fiancee Visa for Canada (Part 1)

There was a time when getting a passport into Canada for an Ukrainian bride was difficult, but it Ukraine bride visa for Canadais now easier than ever before. If you have found the woman of dreams here in my lovely home country, here is what you need for marriage immigration to Canada.

Your Requirements

Canada requires that you be a citizen or permanent resident and be of legal marrying age, that is you must be at least 18 years old. You have to be able to support your Ukraine bride for at least three years after she achieves permanent residency. You have to be able to support any children you have for 10 years or until they are 25 years old. Finally, you have to have housing where you can support your wife from Ukraine.

Affidavit of Marital Status and Other Documents

Next, you have to get an Affidavit of Marital Status before you can come retrieve your Ukrainian woman from overseas. It only costs $50 and confirms to the authorities, and your woman, that you are not already married to someone else! Get this right before coming over though, because it’s only good for three months. If you’ve forgotten this step, that’s okay. The Canadian Embassy located in the Ukraine can also provide you with one.

If your Ukraine woman will be your second marriage, you need some proof that the first marriage was dissolved properly. Either a Divorce Decree or death certificate for the previous spouse will be required. Make sure to bring an original or a certified copy of your birth certificate with you.

Finally, make sure to have all the documents notarized by a Canadian notary. Next, they must be authenticated by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade in Canada. The last step is to visit the Ukranian Embassy to have everything translated into the woman’s home language – Ukrainian.

Having these documents with you will allow everything to go smoothly when you come to pick your Ukraine bride up for your new life together. Please make sure you have everything so you can have a smooth trip and a smooth start to your new life together. Only then can your fiance from Ukraine get her fiance visa to Canada.

To be continued…

Sean’s Negative Experience with the Ukraine Dating Tour

Dear Friends,

A few days ago, Sean has left a comment on my blog. He spoke about his negative experiences during a romance tour in Ukraine. I’ve written several times on my blog that Western men must be careful and not all Ukraine women who have a profile on a Ukraine dating site are honest and are looking for a man for marriage. Unfortunately, Sean had collected only negative experiences with Ukrainian women during his travel in Ukraine.

Life is hard sometimes and we cannot always collect only positive experiences. I know from my own experience But there are also good examples that give us hope such as Greg’s romantic and pleasing experience with Ukrainian women in Ukraine.

Here Sean’s Negative Experience with the Ukraine Dating Tour

The problem is in the actual women on there, recruited by the website. If the women on this site look too good to be true, that’s because they do! I am 35, 6’2″, not bald, not fat, and a successful doctor in Canada. I decided to give this a chance after my ex of 3 years had left me and I wanted to try something new. Boy, was I in for a shock!

After spending about $1000 on the site and phone calls, I connected with three she sharks (not ladies as the site calls them). I traveled to Ukraine to meet them.

The first had totally lied about her English ability. She had it put it to “advanced” on her profile. She knew not a single word in English. Without telling me, she brought an Anastasia interpreter who charged $60.

They insisted on meeting at only this one restaurant, which I did just to be nice. They then ordered the most expensive items and wine on the menu, bringing the bill to $300. They suggested that I take them to another restaurant of their choice the next day (and to that I said no).

The next date turned out even worse. Even though she spoke good English, she brought her cousin again to this restaurant of her choice. Without asking me and in Russian, they ordered 8 dishes of appetizers!!! and the most expensive wine and entrees on the menu. I finally got so pissed that I got up and intended to leave. They then threatened to call the police on me and holding me hostage in the country. I threw $150 at them got the hell out of there (total bill would have been north of 300 had I stayed).

The third date did not even show up after I refused to meet her at another expensive restaurant of her choice (I suggested meeting instead at a cafe).

Don’t waste your money and stay home. Date women in your own neck of the woods. That’s my advice.
These women think of foreign men who go there as suckers. They have no intention of a relationship either. They don’t care what you look like, or what you do, they just want to take you for a hell ride and leave you feeling so empty and used at the end. To them, it’s just business and nothing more.



Have you been also in Ukraine? What experiences have you gained with single Ukrainian women? Positive? Negative? Please share it with me and my readers!

What type of Western guys like Ukraine women?

Dear Friends,

I have to put in a good word for Ukrainians. From my experience, Ukraine women are gorgeous, easy to talk to, and aren’t just out for money. What about you? Here are a few questions to ask yourself so you know whether you are the type of western guy who likes women from the Ukraine:

Do you want a natural beauty?

To get the obvious out of the way, Ukraine women are beautiful. Western men who want a natural beauty usually love women from the Ukraine. They tend to be very natural looking and don’t pile on a lof of makeup like western women do. Imagine waking up to someone who looks as lovely in the morning as they do when you go out on the town….with a Ukrainian woman that’s reality all the time. Who wouldn’t love that?

Do you want someone who really loves you?

If you want a woman that will love you and not your wallet, you want a Ukraine woman. Growing up in the Ukraine, they know what’s really important–and it’s not how much money you have. These ladies know how to look at the man behind the money, and that is a really good feeling.

Do you like having a nice conversation?

Have you been out with a lot of western women? Then you know how much drama they can cause, often for no reason. Ukrainian women, by contrast, have sunny dispositions and tell it straight. Just speaking to them is an enjoyable experience. I know when I’m out with a woman from the Ukraine I feel a little lighter because they are so easy to talk to. They sure know how to put a smile on your face.

So if you want a sweet companion who truly loves you and isn’t too bad to look at, you definitely want to consider finding a Ukrainian woman. They are loving and radiate a sunshine from the inside out.

Ukraine Lady and Her Sexual Past

Dear friends,

Ukraine online dating services have opened the door for both men and women to meet a broader range of potential partners. Getting to know someone’s likes, dislikes, future hopes, and past regrets, are all part of the dating process. Discussing sexuality is not as taboo as it once was, but not everyone feels comfortable talking about their past sexual experiences. Sometimes it is better to leave the past behind and focus on the future.

It has been my experience that many Western men, when meeting a Ukraine lady, often want to know about her sexual history. This is not always an easy topic to discuss. People sometimes have done things in their past that they are not proud of and would rather not discuss them. It is also unreasonable for a man to expect a 30- or 40-year-old woman to still be a virgin!!! Very few men are virgins at that age and they should accept the fact that women have the same sexual needs as them. Men and women should both respect each others desire to keep that information private. Compatibility and common goals for the future are more important things to consider in a relationship.

Planning a future together is a positive way to cultivate a relationship. Asking questions that help you know more about each other should be focused on the present and not on the past. Learning if you share the same interests in foods, hobbies, the arts, spirituality, and politics is far more enlightening than learning about past acquaintances.

A Ukraine lady is interested in meeting someone who wants a serious relationship, but who will also respect her privacy and her wish to not discuss her sexual past. Men and women have similar sexual needs and neither should be judged harshly because they’re no longer virgins.

Advice For Relationship With Ukraine Women

Dear Friends,

Ukrainian dating is a hard and difficult process (I know this from my own experience :)); this holds especially true when trying to date a Ukrainian woman.

However as the old adage says, if it were easy, then everyone would be doing it. It goes without saying that dating is especially difficult for those men who have been hurt in the past by women. There are a range of emotions that likely feel that run the gamut from anger to rejection to embarrassment. However for men who are ready for a real meaningful and lasting relationship, they should know that there is a wealth of Ukraine women for marriage out there just waiting for the right man.

As stated above, while there are many available Ukraine women for marriage, a man should be aware of the many important steps that he needs to take prior engaging in a relationship with a Ukrainian woman. First, Ukrainian women can be quite particular.

This is not something that a man ought to get offended by but just part of the reality of dating someone from a different culture. Remember, Western Europe and America are rather different from the nations of the former Soviet Union in both history and culture. Those bits of realia have left an indelible mark on the women of Ukraine, so a man must be conscious of this fact.

Finally, a man must look inside himself and see if he is emotionally ready for a relationship. This is true for all women, but especially true for Ukrainian women. A relationship requires a bit of work. This is particularly true when it comes to building a long lasting bond. Such a bond cannot be established if the man carries all of his prior relationship baggage with him. He must open his heart and be trusting of his new love interest. Only then will he truly realize love with a Ukrainian woman.

One Meeting with Single Ukraine Women is Better Than 100 Emails or Phone Calls

Dear Friends,

I’ve already written that right now, you can find literally thousands of websites that provide dating services, that allow single men to meet single Ukraine women like myself :). These are a great place to start because they give you a way to connect with the women who are out there, who may be interested in getting to know you.

However, this does not mean that you can stop at this point. If you do not plan to travel to Eastern Europe at some point, you will be wasting all of your money and time. You will be spending a lot on correspondence, something that is ultimately not going to pay off. You cannot find a woman to marry simply by calling her or writing her letters. You need to meet her.

As one of the single Ukraine women who are looking for husbands, my personal opinion is that you must meet these women in order to find one that you would like to marry. You must talk with them in person. In fact, I believe that one meeting is truly better than sending one thousand emails or making one thousand telephone calls. You can use these things as tools, but they should not be your end goal. They should simply help you to decide if you want to go and pay these beautiful women a visit.

You have two basic options if you want to come to Russia or Ukraine – and, believe me, there are many women like myself who hope that you do. The first option is just that you can go on your own, taking a flight over and staying in hotels or hostels. The second option is that you can join a group tour. No matter which one you choose, I know that you will have a lot more success when you come in person.

What Do Ukraine Brides Bring Into The Marriage?

Dear Friends,

If you are like most other Western men, you have probably asked yourself why you should marry a Ukrainian woman. You may wonder what types of values she will bring along with her from the other side of the world or the other side of the continent.

I know that many of the men that I have talked to have expressed similar questions in the past; they have asked me since I am a Ukrainian woman and they thought that I was a good source to turn to for the answers. Most of all, they wanted to know that types of traditions and values the women would want to keep alive, to hold onto, when they began to create a family in their new home.

When looking for hot Ukraine brides, you can be sure that they will give you everything that you could ask for or desire in a relationship. They will give you stability and security; you will never have to wonder where your life is going or who you will end up with. They will give you companionship that lasts a lifetime. This can provide you with hope and optimism regarding your future. You can be sure that hot Ukraine brides will give you an eventful, exciting future, not one that is filled with loneliness and despair.

When you are looking for hot Ukraine brides, you can also be sure that they will give you love and support in all that you do. It is my opinion that Ukrainian women are some of the most understanding women in the world. They can see what you want, what makes you happy, and they will support you as you pursue it. The tenderness and affection that they will display in your marriage will be as wonderful as you can imagine.

Ukraine Women’s Value of Money

Dear Friends,

When you are dating a Ukrainian woman and hoping to marry her, you may be surprised by how she views money. I can tell you this as a Ukrainian woman myself :); I have seen this sort of conflict firsthand. Other women like myself tend to expect expensive gifts from the men that they are seeing. They think that these western men should give them these gifts as a way of expressing their love. When they do not get the gifts, they take it as a sign that the man does not love them as much as he says that he does.

In the west, I have noticed that men tend to be a bit more thirty. They want to hold onto their money. They want to save up what they are earning so that they have some security. As a result, they tend to think that Ukrainian women have a false idea about the value of money. They think that Ukrainian women do not respect it or know how to use it. This is not true. What they are really seeing is just the culture difference. People in Ukraine tend to spend their money, using it all up to have a good time and to get the things that they want.

In the long run, all that western men need to do is to be patient. They need to wait for the Ukrainian women to see and understand how they view money. I now have a full grasp on this in a way that I never did before. I understand what these men are thinking and what they are doing. All other Ukrainian women will come around to this point of view when they are immersed in this western culture. You just need to wait for your lovely bride to see your side of things.

10 Ukraine Dating Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Happy Future (Part 2)

This article is the second part of the post “10 Ukraine Dating Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Happy Future“.

Dear friends, we start with the fourth mistake that can destroy your dream to marry a Ukrainian woman forever:

Mistake #4. Placing all of your eggs in one basket

Don’t limit yourself to contact with just one woman. You will want to find someone that you are truly compatible with. Chances are that the lady you are considering is also talking to other men, as well. This is only fair since everyone should be in a happy and loving relationship.

Fatal Mistakes in Ukraine dating can destroy your dream to marry a woman like me :)

Mistake #5. No phone conversation has taken place yet

If they seem to be avoiding this phone call, you just may be talking to an “Anton” that is after your money instead of your beautiful “Antonia” that you met online.

Mistake #6. Falling head over heels and marrying the woman before you ever even met her

When you meet one of these beautiful ladies, it could be hard to do, but dangerous. There could be cultural or personality differences that each of you can’t stand about each other when you meet in person. Remember that both of you have very different ideas concerning personal space, privacy, and intimacy.

Mistake #7. Ignoring your intuition

Every had one of those moments when you know something’s not right but you ignore it because you want your image of the person to be true? Don’t do this. You are playing with your future and it could get ugly.

Mistake #8.Become impatient with cultural traditions of your bride-to-be

If the cultural differences and traditions are driving you nuts now, think of what it will be like in 10 years. No lady, no matter how sexy and beautiful, needs to feel unimportant. And you don’t want to feel annoyed by something you can’t change.

Mistake #9. Avoid getting too personal and asking too many questions

While many Ukrainian women have certain standards of privacy, you still need to be open with each other. You should not feel uncomfortable asking questions about their health or if they’ve had any STDs. What if they are unable to have children and you really want a family? These are important questions that should be discussed before any major commitments are made.

Mistake #10. Not taking time to learn the cultural values of your future wife

I can’t count how many times I’ve heard men say, “Well they want to be American, why should I?” And I’m never surprised when the relationship fails. This is a part of getting to know the person you are going to spend the rest of your life with. Treat her like a person that matters.

10 Ukraine Dating Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Happy Future (Part 1)

Dear Friends,

Are you considering dating a Ukrainian woman? Wonderful  If you go online and do a search in Ukraine dating sites, you will most certainly find a lot of women (there are over 45 million people inhabiting the country) and a lot of warnings, depending on where you click. Unfortunately, there are some common mistakes that men tend to make when the try to embark upon an international relationship with one of these women.

The most important thing to remember is to never underestimate the intelligence of a Ukrainian woman. Even though most of the country lives below the poverty level, making about $7000 per year on average, most women are highly educated and value intelligence and hard work.

You will find a bit of a melting pot of values between Eastern and Western values. While they were heavily influenced by Russian rule, they also have strong ties to their Slavic culture. The country is only a couple of generations removed from being a chiefly agrarian society, with cities such as Kiev containing over 2 million residents.

With that being said, let’s take a closer look at some of the more common mistakes that American men tend to make when beginning an online relationship with a Ukrainian woman. Granted, most of these women are earnestly looking for a better way of life where they can raise a family and have a healthy relationship, but there are some caveats.

Here are some of the most common things that American men fall prey to in the Ukrainian dating scene.

Mistake #1. Sending money to a Ukrainian woman before you have developed a relationship of trust.

Just don’t do it. In fact, most men won’t send any money until they are engaged to the woman. It is all too common for scams to pop up where you may be sending money to an old toothless Ukrainian gangster, rather than the beautiful woman that you thought loved you.

Mistake # 2. Sending money for a plane ticket or the visa process

Granted, you probably want to meet the lady you’ve been talking to as soon as possible, but if they tell you that they need a large amount of money for a visa, you may want to cook things down. First, depending on the type of visa, they shouldn’t cost more than $140-$305.

If you plan on getting a plan ticket for them, you can always buy that yourself and put it in your name. Don’t do anything that you don’t feel comfortable doing—ever.

Mistake #3. Stereotyping your future Ukraine wife

As I mentioned before, your wife is not necessarily going to be a subservient woman that just wants to have babies, clean house, and serve you. Many Ukrainian women have career goals and a high level of education. At the same time, most families do raise the girls to know how to be good housekeepers and mothers because marrying a good man is of utmost importance.

To be continued…