Saturday, May 7, 2016

Ukraine Fiancee Visa Requirements & Process (Part 3)

This is the third part of the article “Ukraine Fiancee Visa Requirements & Process” (you can read the second part of the article here: Ukraine fiancee visa requirements process (part 2))

7. Similarly, there needs to be proof that the two of you are engaged in ongoing communication. Letters, emails, instant messages…. it’s all good. Just make sure you redact the mushy stuff!

8. Your fiancée’s children, if she has any, can come with her to the States under her approved visa, provided they’re under 21 years of age.

9. The filing fee (oh yes, there’s always a fee!) for the K1 petition is currently $170 USD.

10. The average time for approval of your K1 visa petition is 3 to 6 months after the date of filing. As always, things can go faster or slower depending upon the whims of fate and / or your friendly overworked government employee.

11. Your fiancée will have her visa interview in whatever country she currently resides.

12. Please note: She will need to get a medical exam and police / security clearance before she has her interview.

13. Good news! After her interview is finished, your fiancée will, in the majority of cases, have her visa by the end of the same day.

14. Once everything is taken care of, and your lovely lady is granted her visa, she’ll have six months to come to the United States.

15. Once she arrives, a new clock starts counting down: You and your beloved now have 90 days to get married, or else she’ll have to go home, and you’ll be starting from scratch… so hurry up and say “I Do!”

16. After your marriage, you’ll need to file for an “adjustment of status”. You’ll want to do this as soon as possible, just so everything is nice and legal and your new wife can stay in the country with you (after all, that IS the idea, Romeo…).

And with that, Uncle Sam’s meddling in your love life is over! You’ve got a new wife, she has a new husband, and all that’s left is for this Ukrainian girl to wish you a long, happy, heavily-accented life together. Congratulations!

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