Saturday, May 7, 2016

Sean’s Negative Experience with the Ukraine Dating Tour

Dear Friends,

A few days ago, Sean has left a comment on my blog. He spoke about his negative experiences during a romance tour in Ukraine. I’ve written several times on my blog that Western men must be careful and not all Ukraine women who have a profile on a Ukraine dating site are honest and are looking for a man for marriage. Unfortunately, Sean had collected only negative experiences with Ukrainian women during his travel in Ukraine.

Life is hard sometimes and we cannot always collect only positive experiences. I know from my own experience But there are also good examples that give us hope such as Greg’s romantic and pleasing experience with Ukrainian women in Ukraine.

Here Sean’s Negative Experience with the Ukraine Dating Tour

The problem is in the actual women on there, recruited by the website. If the women on this site look too good to be true, that’s because they do! I am 35, 6’2″, not bald, not fat, and a successful doctor in Canada. I decided to give this a chance after my ex of 3 years had left me and I wanted to try something new. Boy, was I in for a shock!

After spending about $1000 on the site and phone calls, I connected with three she sharks (not ladies as the site calls them). I traveled to Ukraine to meet them.

The first had totally lied about her English ability. She had it put it to “advanced” on her profile. She knew not a single word in English. Without telling me, she brought an Anastasia interpreter who charged $60.

They insisted on meeting at only this one restaurant, which I did just to be nice. They then ordered the most expensive items and wine on the menu, bringing the bill to $300. They suggested that I take them to another restaurant of their choice the next day (and to that I said no).

The next date turned out even worse. Even though she spoke good English, she brought her cousin again to this restaurant of her choice. Without asking me and in Russian, they ordered 8 dishes of appetizers!!! and the most expensive wine and entrees on the menu. I finally got so pissed that I got up and intended to leave. They then threatened to call the police on me and holding me hostage in the country. I threw $150 at them got the hell out of there (total bill would have been north of 300 had I stayed).

The third date did not even show up after I refused to meet her at another expensive restaurant of her choice (I suggested meeting instead at a cafe).

Don’t waste your money and stay home. Date women in your own neck of the woods. That’s my advice.
These women think of foreign men who go there as suckers. They have no intention of a relationship either. They don’t care what you look like, or what you do, they just want to take you for a hell ride and leave you feeling so empty and used at the end. To them, it’s just business and nothing more.



Have you been also in Ukraine? What experiences have you gained with single Ukrainian women? Positive? Negative? Please share it with me and my readers!

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