Saturday, May 7, 2016

Ukrainian online dating is not a funny game

Dear friends,

Many people think that online dating is a nice opportunity to act like a completely another person (for example, a man is a quiet and inactive office worker in real life, but a self-confident macho online). From my experience as a dating blogger, I have mentioned that some Western men do not understand that their behavior can hurt women from Ukraine. They guess if they do not know women in person, just through a dating site they are allowed to do everything they want. They forget that the Ukrainian women have feelings and hope to find a partner for life.

I have read tons of sad stories about how the women from Ukraine had been very hurt by Western men. I get a lot of mails from Western men that tell me that they have been scammed, hurt and disappointed by Ukrainian women. This is a sad fact that some Ukrainian women play with men’s feelings, emotions and trust. Some men cannot trust Russian and Ukrainian brides after their negative experiences with International online dating. And this is, in my opinion, just awful.

On the other hand, I got a few messages from my readers in which they tell me their stories. Sad stories… Without even having realized it, they’d hurt and disappointed women from Ukraine. The men gave them hope, and then simply disappeared from the women’s lives. I read the stories that the men have a long distance relationship for several years, become engaged and plan a life together. What I say now is just my assumption. I do not know these girls personally, but as a woman I can imagine how they feel. It hurts…

If I would blog in Russian I would advise Ukrainian girls: stop thinking that Ukrainian online dating is a funny game! Think about the feelings of others! Stop hurting the feelings of the men who write to you with hope to find someone special abroad! But as you know, I offer dating advice for Western men.

Therefore, I want to give you a little piece of Ukrainian online dating advice. You hurt a woman and she cannot forgive you, but you decide to do everything in order to save your relationship.

My advice is before you do something, ask yourself honestly: do you really love this woman? Are you ready to support this woman the whole life and provide for her wellbeing? If your answer is “Yes, I am”, you have to make a lot of effort to win her faith in you back. Her doubts are big…

But if she still loves you, she will find strength to forgive you. If she does not want to talk to you, write her a letter about your feelings, about your love. Tell her that if she gives you a second chance, you can show her your love. You can prove that you are the man who takes care of his family, supports his wife and provides for her. Anybody can make mistakes. Nobody is perfect. If she has any feelings for you, she should give your love a chance.

My last advice: do not play with her trust. It is very easy to break it and very difficult to win it again.

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