Saturday, May 7, 2016

Peter asks – Natalya answers

Dear Readers,

Peter, one of my readers, has left a comment on a few days ago. In his commentary, he has asked a few important questions about Ukrainian women and dating. I answered him. In my opinion, this information can also be useful for other men, that’s why I have decided to publish the whole story on my blog today. I hope that my Ukraine dating advice to Peter can help you, too.

Peter asks:

Enjoyed your piece on the differences between Russian/Ukrainian women and Thai women. My only experience has been with American and Colombian women.

What are the differences between Russian and Ukrainian women?

What do you consider an acceptable age difference between an older American man and a younger Russian or Ukrainian woman?

Lastly, I’ve heard that visiting the host country, as opposed, for example, letter writing, is the only way to meet and marry a Russian or Ukrainian woman.

If so, do you recommend an agency like A Foreign Affair or Anastasia or just meet them online and go there?




Natalia answers:

Hello Peter,

thank you for your comment. Sorry that I answer you so late, I was sick
But now I feel better and can answer your questions.

Question 1: What are the differences between Russian and Ukrainian women?

Answer: There is no great difference between Russian and Ukrainian women. The cultures and mentalities are very similar. The religion is the same (Orthodox), the appearance is also the same (you can see immediately that Russian and Ukrainian women are of Slavic origin).

I would say that there is a slight difference in temperament and family roles. Russian women are a little quieter, Ukrainian women are more emotional and play the first violin in their families. Russian and Ukrainian women are very family oriented – they are definitely the same in this point of view.

Question 2. What do you consider an acceptable age difference between an older American man and a younger Russian or Ukrainian woman?

Answer: For me personally, an acceptable age difference between an older (American, English, Deutsch, French, etc. ..) man and a younger Russian or Ukrainian woman is max. 10 years.

Although, as I said before, this question is also very personal. Everyone should decide for themselves. I know a couple in Germany (she is Russian, her husband is German) and 20 years lie between them. But they are very happy together and have two kids.

Question 3: Lastly, I’ve heard that visiting the host country, as opposed, for example, letter writing, is the only way to meet and marry a Russian or Ukrainian woman. If so, do you recommend an agency like A Foreign Affair or Anastasia or just meet them online and go there?

Answer: Unfortunately, the distance between the U.S. and Russia / Ukraine is very big and it’s pretty difficult and expensive to go every month to Ukraine to meet in person women there for marriage. The only reasonable possibility to meet women is Ukraine online dating services like, and AnastasiaDate. You can, of course, try to find Ukrainian and Russian women in America. There are many Ukrainian women who have emigrated to America.

Dear friends,
if you have any questions about Ukraine women and dating, please don’t hesitate to contact me (like Peter did )

@Peter: I hope I could help you with my piece of Ukraine dating advice. If you need more information, just ask me!

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