Saturday, May 7, 2016

Love Guide to a Romantic Trip to Ukraine (part 3)

Did you read the first part and the second part of Love Guide to a Romantic Trip to Ukraine already? You didn’t? Just do it before you are going to read the last part of my love guide!

A history lesson of Ukraine

To give you a little bit of a history lesson on Ukraine, Ukraine is an old country. It’s been around since at least 4500 BCE. Needless to say, a lot of tribes came and went until we see the mix of Ukrainian population you see today. Some important dates in Ukrainian history include “The Ruin” a 30 year war between Poland, Russia, Turks and Cossacks for control of Ukraine.

Then in more recent history, Ukraine was overtaken by the Soviet government, causing Ukraine to be devastated and leaving hundreds of thousand dead and over a million people dead. World Wars I and II weren’t kind on Ukraine either, with the country receiving a tremendous amount of damage. In other words, Ukraine has a long history of war.

A language lesson of Ukraine

You’re not going to learn the language overnight either, so it’s important to learn a couple of sayings first both to get around the city and get acquainted with your honey. “Hello” is (DOH-brihy dehn’) and the shorter version of that “Hi” is (vee-TAH-yoo). Now that you’ve presented yourself, you need to introduce yourself. (meh-NEH ZVAH-tih) means “My name is _____”. Now ask her what her name is by saying (yak vahs ZVAH-tih?). At this point, you’ve probably impressed and charmed her by surprising her with a little bit of her own language. If you want to impress her more, by all means go read up. Of course, at sometime during your trip, you’re going to want to say this. “Ya tebe kohayu” which means “I love you”.

No fear!!!!

It’s important to know also the past experiences of men who’ve tried looking for wives in Ukraine. It’s important to note that some men are hesitant to look for wives in Ukraine because of the fear of getting scammed. This fear, though, is very minimal and most women in Ukraine are not scammers. It’s still imporant to be careful whenever meeting someone new but if you go through an agency, they usually screen all their candidates beforehand, reducing your risks extremely.

So there, you’ve got your tips to finding the perfect Ukrainian bride. Go out there and find one!

The end

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