Saturday, May 7, 2016

Ukraine Fiancee Visa Requirements & Process (Part 2)

K1 fiancee visaThis is the second part of the article “Ukraine Fiancee Visa Requirements & Process”

Commonly known as the “K1 fiancée visa”, or simply “the K1”, it’s all that stands between you and wedded bliss in America… and you have absolutely no idea what you’re doing. Fear not, my confused Casanova! I’m here to help. Below, you’ll find a simple outline of the basic steps you need to complete the fiancée visa process with a minimum of headaches. Take a look, apply what you learn, and before you know it, you’ll be ready to get your K1 fiancée visa.

Got your pen and paper ready? Ok, here’s how this all works:

1. You have to meet in person before you can petition for a visa. This should be obvious, but you’d be surprised how many men seem to overlook the fact that their bride-to-be would like to see her future groom before the wedding actually begins. Call us silly and old-fashioned, but that’s just the way girls work.

2. Both of you need to be single. Again, this is common sense. No girl, Ukrainian or otherwise, wants to find out she’s the secret 3rd wife.

3. You have to have originals (sometimes copies, check with applicable agencies for details) of any divorce decrees, death certificates, annulments, and so on to prove that you are, in fact, flying solo in the spousal department. In other words, your single status needs to be official.

4. There’s a minimum income threshold of $16,500 USD per family of two. Your Ukraine lady (to say nothing of yourself) needs to know that you’ll be able to feed, clothe, and shelter her. She’s far from home, in a strange land, surrounded by strangers who speak a language she may not understand. She shouldn’t have to worry about being homeless.

5. If your income is less than the amount stated above, there are other options for getting your visa. As always, contact applicable agencies for details.

6. You need photos of the two of you together. It can be anything – a picnic, a carnival, horseback riding, dinner with her parents… the point is, there should be photographic evidence that you and your fiancée have spent time together. Don’t worry…. these won’t be hard to come by. Girls like taking pictures, especially when they’re in love with the other person in the photo!

To be continued…

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