Saturday, May 7, 2016

Why do some American/Western Women Hate Women from Ukraine?

Today I decided to write about something I usually avoid writing about. It’s not about relationships between Ukrainian women and Western men; it is not about love and cultural differences. It is about hatred and being envious of others. I always try to give my best and help people to be happy. When I talk about love and happiness, I do not really care what nationality a person is. The most important thing is that we understand each other well.

On my Ukrainian Dating blog I write explicitly about Ukrainian women and the Ukrainian dating culture. Despite the fact that I live abroad, as you may already know I was born in Ukraine and I’ve been on both sides of the fence. Speaking from my experience, I can say, many Western men have difficulties with finding the right woman for marriage and life from Eastern Europe (in our case, from Ukraine).

My blog is over 6 months old and mostly I get positive reactions to what I write about. I get many requests and questions about the Ukrainian culture, dating, and of course, about Ukrainian women. I get harsh e-mails as well in which certain readers express their criticism and say that what I do seems wrong to them. I think that’s okay and in such a way I can learn something from these reactions as I want to improve my blog.

But lately, I started getting really insulting mails from an American woman. The lady does not write her name; she calls herself “Furious” every time she leaves a comment on my blog. She mistakenly thinks that “Ukrainian and Russian women sell themselves as SEX in a box for a fee”. And she desperately hopes that Ukrainian and Russian women will continue living in their home countries and will stay away from all American men.

So to make it clear to everyone, I have nothing against American, German, English or Canadian women. But I have no desire or intention to write about them. My goal, as said above, is the Ukrainian dating culture as well as cross-cultural relationships between Russian and Ukrainian women and Western (not just American) men.

I am wondering why this woman shows so much hatred and is so envious of Ukrainian and Russian women. Is she unhappy? Or she hasn’t found a partner for life yet? Or perhaps, she feels threatened by the beauty and femininity of Ukrainian and Russian women? I don’t know. I can say only one thing: if Western men were so happy with their (German, American or English) women, would they look for women from Ukraine, Russia, Poland or Thailand? I don’t think so.

If American women cannot make their men happy they have to look for the right woman in foreign countries. There will always be problems and uncertainties about different cultures, languages, traditions and mentalities. And it’s the purpose of my blog to help people to overcome cultural stereotypes, help them to understand foreign cultures and just to be happy with women who will genuinely love them. Until I will report about these topics on my blog.

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