Saturday, May 7, 2016

Greg’s Romantic Experiences With Women In Ukraine

Dear friends,

Greg, a loyal reader of Ukrainian dating blog, told me that he spent two weeks in May in Ukraine. He has gained valuable experiences with the Ukrainian women and culture and wants to tell my blog readers about his romantic tour.

This is Greg’s story:

Hi Nataly

I just got back from my first trip to the Ukraine…yes, I say my first trip because I promise I will go again sometime, hopefully sooner than later.

Anyways, I’d love to help some guys that are planning on using one of the tour companies; or I come back single as when I left, but I had some great experiences and I have some great photos and a couple of girls personal emails and phone numbers to see if anything can romantic experience in ukraine happen between us.

My first suggestion before anything else is to take the paid emails with a “grain of salt”, some girls email you or some just have their translator email you. I found out after spending more money than I initially wanted to, but still less than many of the other men on my trip. After meeting 2 girls on my first 2 days and having to pay translator fees of $15/hour, I quickly realized I couldn’t afford to meet women who couldn’t speak some English or at least feel comfortable enough to leave their translators to be with me.

It’s a double edged sword because the women are actually recruited by local agencies and then Anastasia contacts their agency to set up a potential date. So, the women are either intimidated by their agency to ensure that they use their translator or unfortunately some girls are in business to pretend they don’t know ukrainian girlEnglish to make money (two girls I saw with other men, pretended to not know English, then I saw them each act as a translator for the other).

Another trick I saw happen to some men was if they wanted to bring in a girl from out of town, example Nikolaev to Odessa. My friend paid for a one day apartment for the girl and her translator, paid for the taxi drive and worked it out where he wouldn’t have to pay the translator all night because we were going to Club Itaka (too loud to talk anyways). However, he found out the girls took the bus and then on the way to the club the translator argued with my friend and insisted he pay her all night. He ended up doing it, just be careful what you are willing to do.

However, Not all girls are in it to make money, there are really some very nice women in the Ukraine. They are really looking for the the same there just as women from anywhere else in the world, they want to get to know you and you shouldn’t expect a kiss or even a hug until a few dates (as I found out, which was fine with me).

One girl, I did spend 6 or 7 dates with never asked me for taxi money, translator fees or to take her shopping, or to go to nice restaurants. She is a wonderful girl and I hope she keeps in touch with me. I did surprise her and took her shopping on our last day for new shoes and some clothes and a nice dinner. It felt like a real date and at least a week long relationship.

My best advice is to go in with low expectations and to hope for the best… One man on my trip was back on his second trip to take care of the Fiance Visa, receipts and pictures… A side note, They never left their hotel room. So as you can see, there are happy endings in life and the Ukraine after all. Good luck all.


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