Saturday, May 7, 2016

Ukraine Dating Dilemma: Age Differences

Dear Friends,

Today I will describe an extremely hot topic, namely age differences in relationships between Western men and Ukrainian women. A few months ago I wrote a post about it already (s. “Age differences in a relationship with Ukrainian women“), but I’m getting many mails from my readers asking me: “I’m 50, my Ukraine girl is 23years old. Can this relationship work?”. Therefore I decided to write another article about age differences in a relationship with Ukrainian girls.

We know that many older Western men prefer to date younger Ukrainian and Russian women. Those older men who enjoy dating Ukrainian girls must first understand how to enter a relationship with a younger Ukrainian woman.

In my experience, men enjoy being with a younger woman because young women like myself are youthful, energetic, and fun. However, a relationship is much more then just fun and games. Is it possible for a 50 year old man to have a successful relationship with a 20 year old woman of Ukraine? Yes, it is possible

In order for an older man to have a successful relationship with a younger Ukrainian or Russian woman, he must not obsess over the age gap. The woman should not obsess over the age gap either. Dwelling on age will get the relationship nowhere. The relationship is less about age and more about the compatibility between the two.

A man should not just begin dating Ukrainian girls just because he feels like it. Instead, he should attempt to find one that is not just young and beautiful but also has many compatibilities with him. If the man and woman have some similar hobbies and interests, the relationship is more likely to last longer.

Another essential point that an older man should ALWAYS remember is that most young women are very energetic when it comes to sexuality. While an older man may not be able to perform as he used to when he was younger, he must understand that a young woman needs to be satisfied sexually in order to maintain a happy and healthy relationship.

Sex and intimacy is not the most important factor in a relationship but it does play a huge role in keeping both partners happy. If she is not sexually satisfied, she may seek sex from another. In my opinion, if you are an older man and you want to keep up with a young woman but do not feel as though you have enough energy, get on Viagra immediately. Do not waste time being ashamed! Trust me, you will both thoroughly enjoy the sex and if you are enjoying it, you will both be happy.

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